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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. If we executed them and put their waxy corpses on display, in a Lenin stylee, we'd get loads of tourists and they'd cost less to feed and transport.
  2. What's the world coming to when you can't just hoof people in the balls whenever you feel like it?
  3. For f**k's sake. Both things can be enjoyed in moderation by functioning adults. Or both in excess like when the Euros were on
  4. But we've got a special relationship and we're a global power and they're all queuing up to do deals with us. This can't be right.
  5. IV does have Apollo camping it up to "Living in America" and Drago is a more memorable (although less convincing) baddie than Clubber Lang. That said, Mr T is ace. The first one is like an actual proper film though, so I, III, IV, II, Rocky Balboa, V
  6. I'd have had to travel 80 miles or something just to get to motorway for my test. Maybe a question in the theory test would work. It's hard to teach consideration for others to self centred knobheads.
  7. Are you claiming that Alex Salmond doesn't shag grannies?
  8. Article one, first sentence is about 120 words of circumlocution and drivel. I could barely be arsed finishing that sentence. I think they want free speech. Groundbreaking. We the People need to learn to write if they want to make any impact with this sort of thing.
  9. The claim that the monarchy are net contributors to the exchequer is not factually true. From the same website you've presumably looked up: "The Crown Estate belongs to the reigning monarch 'in right of The Crown', that is, it is owned by the monarch for the duration of their reign, by virtue of their accession to the throne. But it is not the private property of the monarch - it cannot be sold by the monarch, nor do revenues from it belong to the monarch" The income the queen gets is a grant from the treasury, which does own the revenues from the crown estate.
  10. The thing that annoys me is the swans. They look delicious and i'd like to try one but apparently you need the Queen's permission. But there's nowhere on her website to enter your details or even download a form. If you needed Sainsburys' permission, or even Tesco's, they'd have an eform. Maybe not Morrisons but the point stands.
  11. Fairly sure Porteous offered a handshake and Ramirez looked incredulous, said something and walked off.
  12. If we can maintain mediocrity it will be better than i was expecting a couple of months ago. All the competition for europe is capable of going on a shitey run. Just depends how long and how shitey.
  13. Fair enough for Glass to have a go at the players for being sluggish, but he needs to take responsibility for the lack of a plan to break down a packed defence. Thought Gallagher was having an ok game until forgetting to jump. Ferguson was great today and will be a much bigger miss than Hedges, who appears to be angling for a move to league 2 on current performances. Porteous should have been off, no doubt at all. If he'd kicked a Rangers scrote that would be a retro ban. Ref generally had a shocker and made baffling and inconsistent decisions throughout. Overall we didn't deserve to win. Don't really think Hibs did either but we didn't do enough to stop them.
  14. Clear proof that dragons died out when they didn't get on the Ark. Don't be fooled by Satan's trickery.
  15. I can think of two car parks that need marshals. People are too stupid and ignorant to sort this stuff out by themselves.
  16. "Can you take the girls to school today?" "can you give me a lift to the other side of town for a frivolous errand? "can you pick the girls up from scool today please?" <text : while you're out can you pick up some milk, bread and something that the first three shops won't have, like aubergine pickle or something> "why are you still working after six? Everyone else is finished by now"
  17. That's a very culturally specific tradition. Proven statistics (the outcome of the pelopponesian war) show that the best outcomes are achevied by boys being removed from their mothers to be raised to be killing machines by the military, who will also take them as lovers. Statistically proven and traditional.
  18. That's unfair, it can be very difficult to produce an infographic that looks like it should mean something while still being aesthetically pleasing. There's definitely a circle, maybe even a figure of eight, of arrows in there that includes the words "stakeholders" and "value-add". Try getting those to line up on PowerPoint.
  19. Johnson just looks like a c**t. Specifically, this one:
  20. Sure https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/inflation.asp Clearly price rises are a feature of inflation (as are wage rises) but they're not the whole story. Neither is the money supply bit the whole story. Prices can rise because of shocks and fall back down again without being inflation. Or they can rise because of shocks and cause inflation. I'm not suggesting that the mechanism for interest rises combating inflation is rock solid or even plausible but that's one way of describing how it is supposed to work.
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