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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. One of the gremlins in gremlins 2 was a transvestite. I think that settles it.
  2. I seem to be in a minority by not thinking that no way home was great. It was entertaining and had some good set pieces but it relied too much on prior knowledge for me. I'd only seen two of the films from the other series (the first in each) so probably missed a whole load of in-jokes and the nostalgia effect was lost on me.
  3. What do you point all your furniture at? You probably won't get that reference either.
  4. Totally agree the editing thing. Charlie Brooker did a great demo of that on screenwipe. But i don't think that there's much they need to do to make some of them look like they are up themselves or dumb.
  5. The posh/pleb thing wasn't universal. I think the governance of Union was indeed by the old school ties but for large parts of the country it was a working person's game. I live in South Wales and the Valleys communities all centred around the rugby clubs. I don't think posh people are allowed in the Valleys and they're certainly not allowed out alive. South West England is very similar.
  6. Scott Brown. Although him playing well against us has been over the years and not under Glass's management. I know exactly what you mean though.
  7. Mostly on paper from the library occasionally have one on the kindle app on my phone. Broadly alternating fiction and non fiction, one at a time. If i take on a heavier than usual fictional book i'll usually drop in some genre stuff (sci fi, crime thriller) before picking up anything else serious. Occasional (and reducing) comics/graphic novels in between sometimes as well.
  8. I clicked the link. That's a win for Hugh. It's not journalism - he's in direct competition with "you won't believe what this former soap star looks like at 40" clickbait.
  9. Surprised that people have ever treated this as anything other than an excuse to laugh at deluded arseholes. I include the tycoon that brought you the emailer in that.
  10. I call her sugar tits but the court says i can't go near enough for her to hear it.
  11. Independence for Forvik and Sealand. One world government for everyone else.
  12. Clap, clap Clap, clap, clap Clap, clap, clap, clap, Scotland!
  13. The seventies revival was in the 90s and was early noughties consistent with the standard 20-25 year nostalgia lag. Flares bars were a common sight and half of britpop was "borrowed" from T rex, bowie etc. Here's some Elastica:
  14. That is an utter shite parade. Jenks has had a couple of good games but has been anonymous in others. I don't think i've had as much irrational hatred for one of our own players as i had for Kamberi by May, even Greg Stewart.
  15. Don't lash out at the accountants because you've made a tit of yourself. As one of your fellow celticcy types put it about 20posts ago: "You made a mistake, no big deal a simple correction would have done But nope, you gotta double down"
  16. Better or worse than our trio of shite strikers from last January that contributed to Derek’s defenestration? I'd say marginally worse.
  17. Can you please inform the entire accountancy profession that they've been treating furlough wrong? This is going to be quite a bombshell.
  18. We once left at 1.30 am to drive to Gatwick (3hrs) for a check in that closed at 5. At 1.45, she insisted that we go home to pick up her big wooly coat. We only just made it. Funnily enough she didn't wear her big wooly coat once during our whole stay on the shores of the Indian Ocean.
  19. Yakety Sax National Anthems are pointless
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