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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I realise that taste in music is subjective but God Save the Queen is one of the worst tunes and lyrics in any genre ever. Only James Blunt is worse. Flower of Scotland is ok as twee folk songs go. Just not really anthem material.
  2. Just imagine trying to get the local police to agree to that. Then imagine the trains. And the motorway services.
  3. I'd say that's wildly inaccurate. Obviously "not actually a communist" isn't an option.
  4. No way. Tramp beards are proper mannies beards. Anything trimmed or shaped looks boyband.
  5. Unit cost per castle assuming that minimum seige instances are 1,500 per annum with a 100 day campaign season. Fully loading the cost base for the manpower required for transporting to deployment location. I would post my spreadsheet but the macros trigger AV software.
  6. This happens to some degree with most premium beers/lagers. They come out at 5% then reduce in strength when they're no longer premium. I'm sure Becks, Stella Red stripe etc are all 4.something now. It's the beer equivalent of shrinking chocolate bars and is purely a cost measure.
  7. Throwing some over the shoulder acceptable? Not in a confined space like a bus or a lift and it will mark you out as a credulous simpleton that believes in superstition, but largely inoffensive.
  8. I don't mind people putting salt on food so long as they don't put it on from shoulder height like a hipster c**t
  9. The thing about trying to modernise the monarchy is that the whole concept is an anachronism. A modern monarchy would not be a monarchy, it would be something else. Just reducing the numbers that are publicly funded isn’t going to change the nature of the issue. It didn't last time the queen pruned the civil list. You're probably right that it would buy them more time, maybe a generation, but ultimately the institution has to go.
  10. So it's cost effective only in comparison to something else that's hopelessly inefficient and only as a protection against something that's not really a meaningful threat (invasion by another state). In other news, Trident is more cost effective than the ballista when beseiging castles.
  11. The US investigation is because she was a minor over there at 17. That's not underage here. Don't know anything about the trafficking aspect to be honest, you're probably right, but thst sounds like a more difficult thing to prove.
  12. Agreed in general but you can get future EPL and Scotland superstar Deano off that list.
  13. I’d give a McInnes-led Killie more than a puncher’s chance of finishing above us next season unless we have a couple of stellar windows.
  14. Being entitled to hold such views and being welcome to express them on a moderated members forum are two different things. He’s perfectly entitled to have polite discussions about how much of a problem wokery is elsewhere. For what it’s worth, I think a ban was excessive and think that P&B can be a bit of an echo chamber.
  15. It would be mutually beneficial if Derek could raid us for top championship level players. Hayes would do a job for Killie, maybe McGinn too. Even if we buy out the wage differential it would free up some budget.
  16. He's not a striker is he? Hedges replacement as attacking mf i'd guess.
  17. Not even in part? Would Dominic Raab (for example) have exploited the opportunity to the same extent? I know the "great man*" approach is unfashionable but i also think the Impact of individuals is usually under appreciated as a result. *also Lol.
  18. I'm not a big follower of electoral science and the likes. You could well be right. It just seems to me that convincing majorities are usually won not so much by strategies, trying to target certain demographics etc but simply by having a charismatic leader. The big victories in my lifetime have been Thatcher, Blair and the current w****r. All of whom were box office in their own ways.
  19. I remember people saying similar about the Tories in the mid noughties when they were burning through leaders and before King Tony abdicated. Also said about Labour before John Smith. Things changed pretty fast. I don’t think that the Tories are about to come unstuck quite so spectacularly any time soon but I do think that time will come.
  20. Never heard that before. That was great, thanks for posting.
  21. He’s right. I’ve never known a disease which is the same head vaping. maybe I’ve been wrong this whole time.
  22. They paid £1.5m for Hickey according to transfermrkt. I guess that either they’d expect to pay similar for Ramsay or some journo has invented the story because Bologna recently signed a young Scottish full back.
  23. I’d have thought belief in juju was rightish but maybe that’s because I’m a Gemini.
  24. Pretty much this although I’d settle for “heavily taxed” in lieu of “the Gulag”.
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