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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Sounds a bit humane, i'll let her wake up a bit first.
  2. Now that the host body has expired, does the reptoid find a new one or is it dependent on the host? If Harry mysteriously falls into line after the funeral then i guess we'll know.
  3. Left approximately 14ml of tropical breakfast juice in the 1l carton and went to the trouble of putting the lid back on and putting it back in the fridge.
  4. Jimmy five bellies told an anecdote about Gazza throwing a dart into the middle of his back, then refusing to take it out. He had to walk a couple of miles from Gazzas country house to the local to get someone to remove it. Apparently this was funny. Sounds like a c**t to me.
  5. 5.30 on Saturday works better for me. In principle i'm fuming obviously but in practice, less so.
  6. This is exactly what happens to Kung fu Joe in I'm Gonna Git You Sucka. Except it was 57 cops.
  7. That joke just needed someone to set it up, set it up, set it up, set it up.
  8. Machine guns with unlimited bullets. Bullets which reverse Newton's first law, specifically for shooting people on balconies or first floor galleries. Uniformed police/soldiers die instantly without anyone caring. Named characters usually have time for a wee chat after being shot through the thorax.
  9. I haven't seen the new LT one, but i remember thinking that Joe Exotic came across as a narcissistic bullying sociopath, partial to a bit of animal cruelty, in Tiger King.
  10. It would be a big ask of any league structure to improve the game. The league structure can affect the entertainment levels provided by a given standard though, and the split does that well.
  11. It's probably taken up four pages because people still need to be told that there is no pot. Nice straw man. Of course things like the armed forces and diplomatic assets should be divided. Museum collections too. Difficult to see how Scotland could get a share of buildings in London though. What some "yoon" has argued on twitter or the daily politics has little bearing on what would actually happen in practice. I've never given a second's thought to what would happen with the former colonies. Most of them aren't really "posessions" of the uk though are they. Not sure of the relevance to pensions, but my provisional answer is we can have the ones with oil and rUK can keep the offshore financial centres.
  12. If the club thinks that it is appropriate to have baseless unjustified digs at Rangers and Celtic just for the sake of it then they have my full support.
  13. If the uk is splitting in two, then the two constituent parts should share a proportion of the obligations of the previous Uk. So Scotland should take on 1/12 of the obligations to pay the pensions of all former UK citizens and rUK 11/12. So we'll owe 1/12 of 11/12 of future liabilities and be owed 11/12 of 1/12. So we could pay each other £50bn each, or pay fractions of everyone's pensions. Or we could just call it quits.
  14. Surely about 28 hrs average resting? Are you using the 100g figure?
  15. I agree that's what would work best for most people. There's no one size fits all though and some people will genuinely be put off by the thought of the more healthy options. If it works for someone to just eat less shite then they should do that.
  16. A 530g box with 511g per 100g will take running a marathon to shift. A large pizza with pepperoni is roughly the same. So a good movie night could easily require a 50 mile run. Excercise is part of the solution but for people who overeat a lot (as i am prone to) the main remedy in practice is to eat less.
  17. I haven't seen it. I know what it's about though.
  18. Love the World at War. Life on Earth runs it close for the best series. Recently, Once upon a time in Iraq was a top notch first hand account from multiple perspectives. Stand alone films I'd probably go for One Day in September (Israeli athletes held hostage at Munich Olympics), with honourable mentions for The Two Escobars (Columbia, drugs and football) and Free Solo (Climbing without ropes).
  19. You take them, we'll take Falkirk. See you in the final.
  20. Hoping the new manager bounce leads to us scoring from open play.
  21. Those bready ones are a waste of time. The solid ones that are about 50% fat are the real deal.
  22. Iron Maiden, 12 Wasted Years. I have the VHS of this somewhere. Completely unironic turning it up to 11 stuff. Kids tv programmes, malfunctioning props, idiots, codpieces, Eddie murdering thatcher. Brilliant
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