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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. There is a bona fide good news story beneath that. We've signed a major trade agreement already. Our supplies of cocoa and blood diamonds should be more secure. And we won't have to import their cheese. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.oecd.org/dev/africa/32413387.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiO5aKUpLnsAhXgQkEAHecDBYwQFjABegQIBRAB&usg=AOvVaw04MBoZDumXHYYgWSy0iE1x
  2. One person's "buy in" is another's "passing the buck".
  3. Conclusions drawn from clearly presented data? on this thread? It will never catch on.
  4. Bloody EU council, just move the dial!
  5. I'm a lover not a fighter. A game of soggy biscuit should settle it.
  6. I'll grant that the Les Dennis episode of Extras was quite good and the final series of Men Behaving Badly had become quite soapy, but it was genuinely mostly hilarious. All a matter of opinion of course, it's just that mine is right and yours isn't.
  7. There was an episode of Hi de Hi on a couple of weeks ago. We used to watch that as a family and i thought it was great. It wasn't as bad as i'd feared it might be but it if i want to watch holiday camp based hi jinks i'll stick with Sooty.
  8. Men Behaving Badly in "dreck" and Extras in "good stuff". Clearly at it.
  9. I'd boot his baws until my foot wore down to a stump. There is no smug left for anyone else because this c**t is using it all. I sometimes put on bbc breakfast and have to turn it off after less than 5 minutes due to the inanity of the content and the aura of hatefulness off the presenters. That Munchetty c**t should be in here as well, she lloks like the girl that would always clype if you were having any fun at school. "Miss, corpolite's got a comic" type of wee shite. I was in an ok mood until i saw those pictures, now i'm raging. Does she f**k. It's not what you know.
  10. Quite agree. The police should be deployed in huge numbers to reinforce restrictions, preferably armed to the teeth and with as many dogs as they can muster.
  11. Did someone you'd not expect play him on the wireless? I'm thinking Nicolas parsons.
  12. It would reset his disciplinary record and remove his booking from a previous game at the cost of missing a game he would miss anyway. This should be obvious to any adult humans with a passing knowledge of football's competition rules and relatively normal cognitive abilities. Which makes your aggressive condescension all the more ironic.
  13. There are several "youtubers" that my kids watch whose schtick would be improved hugely by them being shot in the head.
  14. Try the equivalent while Holby (or whatever your other half's preferred drivel) is on. Start asking whether the car needs its tyres upgraded or something. It won't teach her a lesson but should give you the satisfaction of annoying her back.
  15. They should lock you up and throw away the key. Then let you out only for flogging and hanging.
  16. coprolite

    The Boys

    Final episode was great. Really not obvious how the next series is going to go at all but hopefully it involves Hughie and his Billy Joel tape getting incinerated.
  17. Nice result. Liking Fraser and Dykes up front with McGinn behind them. Everyone between them and Marshall is pretty much interchangeable. Which is great.
  18. Splitting tickets can save a fortune. I don't know why but i suspect that franchise agreements have requirements for numbers of journeys.
  19. "how can you be tired, you've been sitting at a desk all day" - The wife, every day for the last three years.
  20. A new highlight of this shitshow was today's Tory goon stating that a cornish pasty with a side salad was a normal meal in a pub. Voice of the people.
  21. We're all fans of Scottish football teams. Loyalty to the source of misery is a given.
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