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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Free range Hit the north Parental estate Mr eugenicist
  2. Archbishop of Canterbury needs to work on his people skills
  3. Agree that the Blair regime was as bad, given the tools they had. Imagine what Mandelson would do with facebook. I disagree with the implication that this is a recent development. This sort of shite has been going on since horace mythologising Augustus. Probably before, but i don't know of anything earlier.
  4. "leftwaffe" Definitely originally written in crayon by Boris Johnson himself
  5. I reckon he won't actually say that though. The bots have put it out on the twitter so all he has to do is drop a heavy hint or two that he may have had particular requirements for the kid. That way he won't actually be lying.
  6. This is why they silenced Icke. He's been onto those reptoid fuckers for years.
  7. Turbo boost isn't what it used to be Michael.
  8. He's going to announce breakthrough research that the chinese made covid in their 5g factories, and declare war.
  9. The wife has had a smartphone for a few years but keeps her sim in £20 handset because she prefers having buttons she can push. She uses her smartphone as a wee tablet in the house. She dropped her handset in the toilet the other day so had to put her sim in the smartphone. I pointed out that this meant she'd be able to get internet on it outside the house. She disagreed, because the wi fi is in the house. I explained that the contract i got her a phone on has mobile Internet so she can get the Internet anywhere. "so i can use anyone's wifi now?" She has bought another £20 handset. I think it's for the best.
  10. At least the club is making some sort of effort to modernise. It may take some fans a while.
  11. There were some hives of villainy there right enough. Ps : when in Rome.. It's chipper
  12. Savages. I bet you got buckfast and stabbing in there too.
  13. That's worrying far north east. I hope they're not migrating. I don't reacall ever seeing a fried pizza in Aberdeen and only fried without batter in Embra. I haven't been in a chip shop in Scotland for many years though so maybe the regional variation has gone.
  14. Where is the east/west battered or not divide for pizza. Battered sounds barbaric.
  15. I don't think asking people to choose their vote for sound reasons is an anti - democratic position.
  16. Nothing sensible about falling for the lie that Corbyn was in any way an extremist. It says a lot about the depth of tory framing that wanting public assets owned publicly can be seen as extreme.
  17. They were looking for a tricky right winger
  18. A wee ned in a shop in Liverpool asked where i was from so i said "Scotland". He asked if that was in Ireland.
  19. People are poor because Gordon Brown gave all the money to immigrants
  20. The first half of that is about fiscal policy which has no obvious link to the statement of the obvious that the economy keeps people alive. Obviously i'm not going to pay the tory fanzine subscription to read fraser nelson's drivel, but i'd love to hear the logic. Equating the increased government debt with "cost" is a category error to start with. Most of it is likely to be a transfer.
  21. The triple lock is sleight of hand of the most cynical kind. It makes it look like the elderly poor are being given special help by getting guaranteed inflation proof rise in income. It successfully distracts from the fact that the actual level of the pension just about covers utilities and basic food.
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