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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Quite frankly I think it's absolutely rank that washing your hands isn't a given for so many clarty middens out there already. I used to think of myself as mildly neurotic when it came to washing my hands but I never considered washing them when I got back from the shops or got off a train before all this kicked off.
  2. Clearly his hatred of Rangers* has caused the SPFL to pursue a course of action that doesn’t negatively impact Rangers* in any way whatsoever.
  3. Even harder to join the dots when it’s different firms. I assume Deloitte were mentioned because they did the whitewash/investigation recently. The firm that audited the accounts that should have shown Gretna’s loan (according to Doncaster) was KPMG. SPFL’s last accounts were audited by Johnson Carmichael. The spl 2008 accounts do say that loans were made but were all repaid by the year end. That is clearly inconsistent with Doncaster’s narrative. If I was betting I’d say it was more likely that the accounts disclosure wasn’t strictly accurate than Doncaster was lying. Two odd things though. Doncaster joined the spl after the Gretna debacle. That Ewan Murray article keeps referring to the 2009 accounts, which would only have included the Gretna loan if it hadn’t been written off when they went tits up. No idea what to make of either of these.
  4. Any of the top 10 and many outside it could comfortably audit the spfl.
  5. I’m going to wear my Union Jack bowler hat and sing rule Britannia while masturbating to pictures of landgirls and spitfires.
  6. I'm envisioning an underground subculture similar to street Countdown here. I imagine reality will let me down again.
  7. One of those methods is making loans, which is not a way of paying prize money. It is a totally different thing. The other point, that articles could have been changed, is a completely fair one. Although as the articles stood the league was telling the truth. I agree though, it would be better if the authorities could be transparent and above reproach. Whataboutery. Kpmg, equally as reputable.
  8. What the SPFL described was slightly different, in that they'd distributed the payments up to the level of the payment for the lowest placed club. So the unpaid amount will be higher for higher placed clubs because their individual minimum finish might be higher than last place. I think there is obviously more that the league could have done around explaining the reasons for the proposal and being clear why they felt some options weren't practically possible. They have clearly made a c**t of it. The grown ups have presumably been asking these questions and getting their half arsed unsatisfactory answers in private. I can’t wait to see the dossier, it's going to be dynamite
  9. Am i being dim or should the preferred option not be the same one as the one with the most chance of getting most votes, by definition? It would be more illuminating to know who it's preferred by. My preferred option :
  10. https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/50000690
  11. My fat fingers appear to have switched on email notifications for the covid thread. Pages and pages of them on my inbox.
  12. Don't forget that animals get killed for dairy too. I don't feel guilt about it because calves would kill us if they could.
  13. I'd be interested to know what that has to do with the area around Cheltenham, which is probably one of the least ethnically diverse parts of the UK.
  14. Sevco's photographic evidence of Doncaster and Lawell colluding to bully Nelmes into changing Dundee's vote:
  15. Like Welshbairn said. It might feel wrong but the govt is making furlough payments to keep businesses viable, not primarily to support workers income. It is within the spirit of the rules.
  16. Yes, but you have to be available to go back if required. I think there's a "reasonable notice" clause.
  17. Not strictly a meltdown but one of our school's maths teachers went on Crystal Maze and got locked in on a maths challenge.
  18. I'll wager 98% of midlife crisis da types will be unaware of whatever pish this is or will decide not to watch it because it is obviously going to be shit. Extrapolating from my own position as a midlife crisis da type.
  19. I'd be uncomfortable about it and it would bother me but i'd be prepared to do it.
  20. The point about the nhs coping and fatalities being spread out was and is to save lives though. It seems to be accepted that a %, whether it's 0.5% or 2.5% of people can't be saved. The point is to make sure that those who can be saved, medically speaking, don't die because they can't get into hospital or get oxygen.
  21. Fairly sure Brown's idea of a perilous financial situation is what most Scottish clubs would aspire to.
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