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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Mine had a wee drink to herself last night and woke me up at three o’clock to tell me not to bother coming home tonight. There was no reason I know of for this, but i’m sorely tempted.
  2. Was it not the mosquito infested swamp that bankrupted Scotland?
  3. Depends where you live. "They is heading out" would be OK in these parts.
  4. I always sit on the aisle seat. The window seat has shit legroom and I don't like being closed in. I only put my bag on it if the train is deserted. I'm always amazed by the amount of people who would rather stand than ask to get past me. The wallflower c***s.
  5. Can someone respond to to mixu for me please? I've got a meeting.
  6. Because then I'd have all my staff moaning about having to do all the work that I'm avoiding while I spend my time swanning about. Then i' d end up with no staff and more legwork to do. It takes time to learn how to do new stuff and it's for my benefit, not the firms. I can and will take my skills elsewhere for more money.
  7. More like the Crucible. I’m only at Witchfinder colonel but with more ducking, burning and apparently ping-pong I’ll get there
  8. Depends on your time horizon. if you think the reward is just the wage packet for that month then putting in extra hours is crazy. If you think you will get a reward in the long term it’s not. I reckon I am still way below my potential grade, so am putting in hours to develop skills and gain experience but still have to get the day job done. It’s part of an ongoing education. I could be wrong about my potential, as most people are, but i’d rather make a c**t of it by trying and failing than by not trying. If other folk just want an honest wage for turning up at doing a decent job then that’s great. Too many judgemental folk on both sides here.
  9. You miss the point. They were together, he was punching miles above his weight yet wasn't paying any attention to her. Treat em mean and keep em keen. Instead of judging maybe you should learn from this.
  10. Looks like being in Sonic Youth is equivalent to a hard paper round
  11. The c on Canal Street never lasted long. Enhanced by also taking the S
  12. Because we live in a society run by morons for morons that has collective values that I no longer understand.
  13. Seriously, did he win a competition or is it some St. Pauli style marketing campaign? I don't know how St Paul market, but it's surely not much of a prize to be called ugly as the punchline to a joke.
  14. I’ve been getting mine regularly trimmed at the barbers for about 5 years now. They’re the vanguard for old man hair. next, it will be sprouting from your ears until, eventually, the tip of your nose fuzzes over. Enjoy!
  15. so not joining isis because you are too drunk is a mistake? or is he saying joining isis isn't a mistake? Either way i feel i should sign up.
  16. I hope this goes all the way to the ECHR so that brexity gammons realise we're still in it. As for the lassie, eyes pinned open with ludwig van blaring out should sort her out.
  17. not a current example, but as a child i would often have to split a packet of sweets with my sister. They were all odd numbers, resulting in fighting about who would get the bigger "half". For a pacifist, Rowntree didn't half start some amount of bother. On reflection, my Dad should have just eaten the odd one. Maybe he wanted to see who'd win.
  18. large portions at takeaways are a well known marker of commonness. Aberdonian portions of chips are rarely into double figures; it's positively aristocratic.
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