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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. i remember doing rock paper scissors as a kid, for first go on a game or a sweetie or something. If I won I always resisted best out of three. If i lost it was always meant to be best out of three and it was cheating not to. Rees mogg looks like he'd go for scissors every time. Vote rock.
  2. i agree. I'm just trying to point out that thr question if whether the police/ social services are too politically correct is a different question from whether muslims are inherently beasts.
  3. Interesting contributions. There were specific allegations in Rotheram that complaints weren't investigated because of a fear of offending. This is a different point from the question of whether there is a cultural issue behind the offending in the first place. The right try to conflate the two ("they won't investigate the muslim grooming problem"); don't fall into the trap.
  4. Neither would I but there is no way of knowing from the accounts. This is from the intangible asset note. Capital spending, not wages. It looks like we are spending a lot more than i thought Forgot that Devlin would be in there too.
  5. I think this says that we spent about 1.3m on player registrations from July to June. This won't include the tribunal for fergusson. May was rumoured £400k, GMS at about £250k and Cosgrove at £50k. By my calculations Arneson, Tansey and Maynard averaging over £200k each. poor value in my opinion.
  6. ok. the laws that implement those policies. Would you like a statutory reference? because to be honest, I'm not going to find them.
  7. Why do you need an unelected body to propose laws at all? Why not just have parliament and the council? not that it matters for us now.
  8. A partial defence; they don't represent those countries. They represent the EU itself. That biases the whole arrangement towards ever closer union which has a big fear for many and has not been voted on in this country. I don't consider political appointees in the lords democratic. IIRC Mandleson got voted out at an election before his mate gave him the job. Oh and i forgot, the b*****ds made us put meat in the great british banger. Remember 80% rusk sausages, lovely.
  9. Can you give some examples of bad EU laws that you will be pleased to get away from? CFP, CAP, having an unelected Commission as a senior part of government and mandating the cookie banner that comes up on every website. I voted to remain by the way
  10. There's a clyde tunnel? That's another one for me.
  11. No it's not. You are wrong, factually and morally.
  12. I prefer: I wouldn't want to join any club that would have me as a member.
  13. What do most MP's do? your comment about the English shows you up as a xenophobe and does disservice to reasoned arguments for independence.
  14. It's not just minorities that politicians are terrified of, it is of challenging anything that is mainstream political (press approved) orthodoxy. See Corbyn agreeing to a batshit mental definition of antisemitism for example. See Miliband (E)'s acquiescence to spending cuts in a recession. See liberal democrats.
  15. a road sign showing a white number on a blue background shows the minimum speed. Don't think i have seen one.
  16. relative poverty does affect people's happiness though. It isn't defined as being in the bottom 25% but below a % of median income. You could acheive zero poverty on this measure with appropriate policies if the political will was there. It is possible to have zero poverty on this metric without adressing inequalty at any other level. The fact that no government has said that they aim to have zero poverty suggests that they and voters think that some level of poverty is acceptable.
  17. My current (private sector) employer provides fresh ground coffee, tea, hot chocolate and squash as well as weekly fruit. My previous employer was the civil service. If you wanted tea and biscuits for a meeting it would take about 15 man hours of form filling to obtain a budget. The approved supplier would then charge >£5 per person for an urn of weak filter coffee and a few mini packs of generic, sub-family circle, biscuits. I usually ended up supplying my own. You're welcome, taxpayers. My current employers are more likely to sack me for being shite though.
  18. Average salary in Walsall is about the same as in Aberdeen, and 4k more than in Glasgow. It certainly looks like a shithole but it's not exactly Gaza. ~25% of people are bound to live in poverty when it is defined with reference to median incomes. The Tories changed the definition so that it is a % of the 2010 median, rather than a current measure. They clearly expected that they could claim to reduce poverty as a result, just because of inflation. It is really difficult to define.
  19. The bbc does propaganda of three main types. Soft promotion of UK. Calling things "great british etc", travelogues, like coast, or britains favourite landmarks and coverage of royal events. These are arguably part of its remit. The choice of topics could be viewed as political though. Political reporting. They tend to give the incumbent party an easier ride for self preservation. This takes the form of less criticism during interviews but more significantly in the choice of topic. Planted stories. Months before saddam's wmds became news, but after we'd followed dubya to afghanistan, the beeb did a documentary about the Iranian Embassy seige. This was the first time ex SAS had been allowed to talk publicly about operations. About every 10 minutes they showed Saddam looking military and ststed that he sponsored terrorism. Now there is a serving policeman involved in a documentary reporting, as fact, details about a case which hasn't yet come to court. It's ok though Russians are baddies. These are good tv entertainment but i imagine access to sources comes with some editorial control as a condition.
  20. needs entrance music and a quick fire buzzer round. I would award bonus points for zingers. This is the crucial question.
  21. We'll just starting using herring and mackerel in our fish suppers. Everything will be fine. I try to do my bit for conservation by having king rib.
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