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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. some bint has spent 45 mins loudly bending her companion's ear about how harshly treated she was by another team at work, while spouting management gibberish. To make matters worse she is a boot.
  2. it's foot braille. I can't read it. I'm not blind.
  3. it's not like we had a choice between Milne and some business genius altruistic benefactor though.
  4. Why is "bullied at school" an acceptable insult? Not only did the poor c***s have a miserable childhood but now it's a reason for grown ups to have a go too. I would've bullied all of you c***s.
  5. Seaton park and the beach have been good enough for years. We're like rocky towing tyres while the Ivan Drago baddies have all the hi tech but no heart.
  6. https://www.gardengiftshop.co.uk/outdoor-cooking/paella-cooking-sets/paella-cooking-set-with-gas-burner-and-spoon?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwcXfzvTv1wIVL7vtCh02-gMqEAQYASABEgIWOvD_BwE go for the 70cm
  7. could be on to something here. I reckon american dentists and trustifarians would love to come over and shoot our royals for cash. It would also be conservation and help the long term survival of the species. We should auction a charles hunt round sandringham at one of their fundraisers and halve the national debt.
  8. one of my offspring recently did a road safety course at primary. She told me that the yellow boxes with the button on at crossings have a wee cone on the bottom for deaf and blind people. I can't believe i got to my forties without knowing this.
  9. remember to turn the top. we had a very hungry cat after a weekend break when i forgot.
  10. There are wee lights that are always on? amazing the things they think of nowadays. I don't think i have them though cos when i (frequently) forget to put my lights on i always wonder why it's so dark, then get agitated about folk flashing and beeping, before the penny drops.
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