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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. ? I'm all for a federal united Europe, and for expanding a union beyond Europe. It won't happen in my lifetime unfortunately. This position is consistent with wanting regional devolution and an actual application of the principle of subsidiarity. I just happen to believe that National identity is a construct of feudal society that has been appropriated by capitalist interests.
  2. This is what they want. Divide and conquer; make it all about tribalism for the plebs while the aristos continue their cosy carve up. We should recognise that we have more in common than different and unite. Anyhow, the SNP deserve to be treated badly because they represent inadequate xenophobes.
  3. It's not just Embra. I constantly see parents letting their kids be wee shites and not doing a thing. I do have sympathy though. I usually keep mine relatively controlled, but if they are determined to be bad i have been known to give up and let them go feral. I may even join in.
  4. I witnessed two bakers in Lostwithiel having an increasingly heated argument as to whether the one who made chicken tikka pasties was entitled to call them pasties at all. The cornish make Aberdeenshire look cosmopolitan and outward looking.
  5. It takes ages to get from one to the other. I expect that the "full plea in mitigation" might be similar to your post.
  6. I'm not judging you for your choice of food although the combination does sound revolting. it sounded almost palatable until you put pumpkin seeds on. I am judging you for making extra dishes when a disposable plastic alternative is available.
  7. Stepping on a loose paving stone which conceals a puddle, causing said puddle to soak one's other foot.
  8. i certainly wouldn't. amyway, I'm not blaming you for the phrase; it's on the can.
  9. I find the phrase "German purity law" to be extremely sinister. It almost puts me off drinking Lowenbrau. However, at 75p a can (74p if bought as a fourpack) I am prepared to ignore the Goebbelsness. Maybe brewdog could use a genocidal theme for their next publicity stunt?
  10. I can't be bothered looking up planning procedures. does "not being called in" mean that Kingsford goes ahead?
  11. no. you are not right. Grammar aside, it has no specific meaning so could easily lead to misunderstandings. in your first example, while you mean "reviewed" someone else could mean "filed" or "shredded". On the other hand, the word has dynamic connotations and conveys a vague impression of decisiveness. f**k grammar and meaning: with this command of bullshit a promotion can't be far away.
  12. Work for a living. Do their own housework. send their children to mediocre merchant's schools.
  13. Why do people put pound signs and ampersands before words on the internet?
  14. i was sent to aldi for bread on my way home last night because tesco had run out. i only managed to get wraps. i put them in the cupboard beside 2 full loaves of bread. in response to querying why i had to go for bread, i was told "because the shops have run out"
  15. This is an incredibly petty and irrational gripe. well done.
  16. it's this sort of failure to pay attention that may have been the issue in the first place. I apologise.
  17. I have only been to Dumfries once (i think it was a cup game when Goram played for you) and I ended up coming off a roundabout and driving the wrong way up a road. I always thought it was down to my incompetence but this makes me think it is actually a design flaw.
  18. swearing at your kids. My old next door neighbour could regularly be heard giving it "shut the f**k up you little shit" etc to her eight year old. scummy
  19. fell in shower probably http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/fire-crews-called-remove-spanner-14321554?utm_source=google_news&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=google_news&utm_content=sitem
  20. Just finished Ancient Worlds by Michael Scott (off the telly). As someone with limited knowledge of international history I thought it was magic. It covers three time periods with a big theme for each (politics, war, religion) and covers Spain to Manchuria and loads of places in between. Reccommended to non specialists.
  21. I just came on to look for a reccomendation and I think this might be it. Haven't read Herman the German for about 15 years and haven't done this one. If it's appropriate for 40 something man childs then it should be up my street.
  22. I agree with all of this except us being joint second. Goal difference does count unfortunately.
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