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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Thanks. I thought it was a lot of fuss about who got to shout “order!”
  2. My knowledge of US politics is limited too -they have a lot of silly names; they have a lot of silly haircuts; they have a president and two types of House of Commons. republicans = tories+ ukip; democrats = tories + labour. bearing that in mind, can someone explain what’s going on there?
  3. This thread made me look up my old local, which has a facebook page. It looks bright and airy and busy and appears to host live entertainment. They do food that’s not clipped to a sheet of cardboard too. Progress is shite. I think the decline started when they got one of those new fangled Tennents Ice taps.
  4. Some IDF mouthpiece was on BBC radio this morning all indignant that people could accept Hamas' version and not just repeat the conclusive results of Israel's own in depth investigation. The interviewer had a handy list of four times over the last few years where the Israeli state had initially spun a line that Hamas did it and was later found to be lying. "but why would you believe the terrorists?"
  5. Good use of a friendly imo. Get a good look at some fringe players playing together and reward them for not pulling out sick/injured /in the huff. I thought our left flank defended and kept the ball well while the right was more adventurous and got us up the park more and more quickly. They defended like blancmange though, even allowing for the opposition. No fucks given about the score in a friendly
  6. To be clear, I was being facetious, possibly inappropriately and wasn’t offering a tactical analysis. I don’t condone the use of nuclear weapons in Gaza. Paisley however….
  7. It’s slowly coming back. It wasn’t technically PR that was rejected but the AV (?) system of PR. If we’d had a brexit style choice where yes votes were for whatever the voter hoped would happen then it might have been different. but the people had their say. So guess that’s that
  8. Possibly, I don’t remember but, y know. Dems have a total boner for it so could have been a coalition bribe so they’d approve cutting benefits and privatising the NHS. I’m going to have to google that now.
  9. Easier to hit if they’re all bunched together, plus when they drop the big one the blast radius won’t reach Tel Aviv.
  10. I guess PR for the UK would reduce (but not remove) that as an argument for independence. I wonder if that would shift support for independence much.
  11. Super swally taking out Snelders was a sliding hoor moment that subtly altered our upward trajectory onto the path towards a downward spiral. On the plus side, it helped encourage the dark side to unsustainably spend their way to their eventual demise, overseen by said cheating c**t. It was no consolation really, but it was funny.
  12. Mine’s started making me cups of coffee unexpectedly. It’s a nice thought, and I don’t want to be ungrateful, but I am. I try to keep it to three or four a day. Having a cup when I don’t really want one is a waste of one of those three or four. It’s usually brought in while I’m on a work call, which means I can’t have a relax with it (unless it’s training) or a snack accompaniment. Often derails my train of thought or interrupts me speaking. I also buy relatively expensive coffee (not gourmet, but not the cheapo stuff) and know how to make it well and to my tastes. The wife uses way too much water and pours it in the cafetière while it’s still bubbling. The result is a weak tasteless mug of terrible coffee. I’ve told her loads of times how to make it properly but apparently “that’s a load of rubbish”. She knows all of these factors are annoying the piss out of me, is clearly doing it to piss me off in the nicest way possible and no doubt has a big prepared spiel about how much of a dick I am for telling her to stop it.
  13. Family link is decent but has limitations. My 13yo seems to have figured out how to circumvent every restriction except a remote change to her screen lock code, but can still take calls with her screen locked.
  14. Fictional Chris Rock’s mum out of everybody hates Chris was one of the girl group that function as narrators in Little Shop of Horrors.
  15. Should be a recall for him. Looks like an unassailable majority unfortunately. Complaint went almost five yrars unresolved by the Tory party, and straddled a general election during which this git was presumably reselected. They look after their own, the fucking reptiles.
  16. He’s no doubt got a few robust quantitative studies that demonstrate the clear link between the dis application of the 50% discount in 2013 and a fall in investment in scenic rural areas. He’d have to be a complete simpleton to think that absentee landlords were a net benefit otherwise.
  17. I think people can overestimate the size of the role that associations can play. There will be complex interaction between cultural and economic factors. What other opportunities are there- competing sports or industries? What's child nutrition like? Is there a big drinking culture? I'd expect a natural (almost) random variation in the number of potentially international class players. If, say there's an average of one international class player coming through per year per 5m population and one world class per decade, that could manifest as none of either for a decade then ten years with a good squad and a couple of legends. Obviously the bigger the country the less variation you'd expect over time. What the association does can probably result in missed opportunities or making the best of a bad situation but i'd be hesitant to credit the SFA with masterminding a turnaround here. Maybe without their idiocy we'd have won the last world cup
  18. I’d imagine any opening would be limited. Food convoys in and probably only sick and injured in transit to elsewhere. Can’t imagine Egypt is going to let even tens of thousands into Sinai.
  19. Mmm, swift slavers. They take the feathers and grit and stuff out before serving though, so you should have had nice clean dried spit.
  20. Apparently it's a grey area under GDPR. Wouldn't want a strongly worded letter from the information from the ICO now. Actually, assuming posters are taking and posting these pictures in their capacity as private citizens, there's a further grey area as to whether P&B would be covered by GDPR for publishing. So the risk is maybe getting told off by the mods.
  21. I got a jar from home bargains for under £3 about 6 months ago. I think it was one of their opportunistic lines of stock rather than something they stock all the time though. They do often have stacks of plastic cups but i assume they are shit.
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