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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Drug supply/ money laundering is something people do and can stop doing. Racist bigot is something people are. Maybe people can change what they are. But....
  2. Still inconclusive for me, viewing on a phone. But it's typical of the anti St Mirren conspiracy at the SFA that this footage wasn't immediately subpoenaed and considered by VAR
  3. It might last another couple of months if you're lucky. If you want to take the chance it's up to you
  4. Not endorsing this tool or anything but some people might be interested. https://adhduk.co.uk/adult-adhd-screening-survey/ I absolutely pissed the test and apparently have no attention capacity at all. But it's all work related questions and i'm fairly certain it's just identified that my job is boring af.
  5. Chartered accountants are not very good at tax. They're enthusiastic amateurs at best. Like taking a stealth bomber to kwik fit.
  6. An acquaintance of mine came into the pub wearing similar shoes, and we all had a wee chuckle as he scurried off back to the bowling alley to retrieve his trainers.
  7. It’s a subject I find interesting too, although nationality isn’t particularly important to me. If I was asked for five facts to describe myself I’m not sure it would be on the list. I find the whole notion of being proud of nationality a bit alien. I’d never really thought about it in Scotland but after moving to Wales and hearing people describe themselves a “proud Welshman” I thought “why are you proud of that?”. Not that they should be ashamed or that there’s anything wrong with being Welsh in particular, just it’s an accident of birth and didn’t require any effort to attain. Anyway, that was my turn to ramble. On your last paragraph I think that’s right. People can see the fine detail close up and have a simplified view of things in the distance. I doubt that an exhaustive scientific comparison against Tajiks, Ecuadoreans and the Zulus has been carried out.
  8. The three or four times we actually passed the ball around yesterday we looked ok. I understand the benefits of getting the ball forward quickly but when it's not working it just gives the opponents the ball. Jensen looks like he could be decent possibly. Not a single decent individual performance yesterday.
  9. We didn't deserve a point today. Comprehensively outplayed. If St Mirren had scored one of the half dozen headers they won in the six yard box, or the one on one with the keeper, they wouldn't have to be desperately clutching at some barely perceptible double touch, VAR, the officials, the SFA and my particular favourite, goading. An entire fanbase losing their heads simultaneously is some going.
  10. I meant nationality can be subjective and hard to define at the edges. If i think about what it means to me to be Scottish, it's mostly shared cultural reference points, supporting the national team(s), kids tv programmes etc but also a bit of the language and some sense of shared history. All of those things could be very different for different people. Even similar people will have a different experience or understanding of their nationality. Some people might share my categories of membership criteria but have a different view of what the details should be. But other people might have a more genetic or ethnic view, or geographical or residence based. That's before we even get on to multiple overlapping identities. At the risk of being mocked by p&b's reactionary McGlashan faction, many Scots (myself included) also identify as British. Others might see themselves as also Irish, Polish, Bengali, Chinese, Nigerian, whatever. People can also view themselves as part and part, as well as simultaneously, different nationalities. That's what i meant by slippery.
  11. I was being a grumpy old b*****d about some kids on the train with some shitey speeded up pop rap blaring out. Then i thought that 30 years ago that'd have been me blaring out some indie/ grunge mix tape. Not that that makes it acceptable but it made me a bit more sympathetic. Asda gets my vote for worst piped music. Specially selected and played too loud for Asda FM by a misanthropic sadist.
  12. Sounds likely. Hopefully McGarry gets a decent run out. He's been here longer and we really need an actual lwb. Doubt we'll risk starting MacDonald either
  13. It’s a rare treat to see “awesome” deployed appropriately on the internet
  14. Fair point on the finances, and we can’t expect to compete with the sparkling blue seas, high culture and tropical climate of Glasgow to tempt players. I guess I’m just having difficulty adjusting to the new reality of the last ten years having spent the previous 20 watching us oscillating between mediocre and shite.
  15. Couldn’t find anything more appropriate for a snack in the house so just had half a dozen radishes. Was surprisingly nice.
  16. I didn’t know beating us was ever seen as an achievement tbh. Sorry I missed it.
  17. I thought the Boyne one was NI only and in July and Scotland just gets a Spring bank holiday at the end of May, occasionally early June, along with the rest of the island. If they want to give me the Boyne day, I’ll happily learn the flute and put on a few stone.
  18. You do know that only one of those games would have been against you right?
  19. The Aussie mesolithic hunter gatherers should be grateful they got to keep their land for so long. Ours had barely settled before those beaker b*****ds invaded.
  20. The website said referendum campaign. That could easily mean campaign for a referendum...
  21. We were pretty evenly matched over the piece last year. The weegie saints are relatively unchanged from last season, which should be in their favour. Don't really remember much of Mandron last season but at a guess he's not much of an upgrade on Curtis and most likely a downgrade. Hemming < Carson. I hear McMenamin is quite good. For us it's mainly our defence has changed wholesale. The makeshift one has been quite shit. The first team one is only recently arrived. It will be better than our defence up to January but who knows if it will be as good as the one that finished the season. I think we have better players but circumstances favour St Mirren. Difficult to call but i'll go for 0-3 to the dons.
  22. Never heard the term before today. doesn’t sound like there’s much behind it, from a particularly Scottish point of view. As someone else said, it sounds like duality of nature which is covered in most cultures, eg yin and Yang. Sounds like there’s probably some newspaper column inches in it and probably a few morningside/kelvinside dinner party discussions. I think in general that many people give too much credibility to the concept of “national character “. I think that it is true that some personality traits are associated with cultural norms which do vary across nations. But they’re only tendencies, and variations within populations are huge. And nationality is a slippery concept too.
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