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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I’m going to be tedious and pedantic, but it wasn’t the costs that were removed from the treasury. The outgoings were probably expected to be a bit higher than public borrowing to fund investment but were fiddled (obviously and knowingly) to look like they were expected to be lower and were actually much higher in practice. Two things were meant to be taken out of the national accounts , risk and debt. Notionally the contracts did de-risk the government and put any cost overruns onto shareholders. But any project that looked like it could make a loss could easily be abandoned by shareholders, letting the company go bust. If that happened, no hospital/airport/school and no money back, so government bail outs were almost guaranteed. No actual risk for the PFI firm. What made Gordon Brown have a throbbing erection was getting the debt off the balance sheet. Which actually did work. The only problem is that debt in the National accounts and of itself is only a huge economic issue for the doughnuts that work in the press and the bbc. Replacing debt service payments with pfi rents and services doesn’t in principle change the level of expenditure. It was only an accounting trick for spinning economic competence to morons who didn’t know what they were reporting on. And it worked. (If that wasn’t tedious and pedantic enough) Under new international accounting rules, pfi wouldn’t have made the debt disappear at all. To my mind that demonstrates that it doesn’t have any fundamental underlying benefit other than gaming quirks of the accounting rules.
  2. Worried about the great replacement eh? Don’t, some of us emigrants are doing our own replacement abroad and will have a new fatherland for the volk soon enough. Don’t tell the Welsh.
  3. “From Westwood to Hollywood, One thing that’s understood etc…”
  4. Yeah, he's seen Vine, recognised him and tried to do society a favour on purpose.
  5. Excellent job by Braverman. Wonder how many radio and tv phone ins or panels are going to be occupied by the more troubling bit of the report that says “prevent is carrying the weight for mental health services.” Another point on the board for team Culture Wars, with Grown-Up Policy Debate yet to score.
  6. No one is selling miles between places or the speed of your car though. If i remember right the tabloids were highly engammonated by being banned by barmy brussels bureaucrats from buying a pound of mince or a pint of milk and had a massive huff.
  7. Do you not get happy hours in Scotland any more? Honestly, i leave you alone for 20 years and the place goes to the dogs.
  8. A former landlord of a now defunct Aberdeen Hostelry introduced dynamic pricing for the Celtic supporters bus that stopped there twice a year.
  9. "Harvey Barnes" is a boyband name, not a footballer name. For that reason, I'm out.
  10. We've compact and bijou kitchen cupboards which means that stacking efficiently is important. Like goes with like, with smaller things inside bigger things. So it's obvious a small round tub will fit in a larger round tub, and that stacking midsize rectangle, round tub, larger rectangular tub is going to be unstable and take up too much space. Or at least i'd have thought it was obvious. If not at the point when they first fall over, then at least when she has to hold them up to shut the door. But apparently not obvious, until i open the door and everything falls out. Then, apparently a normal sized dinner plate is appropriate to use instead of a storage tub to keep leftovers in in the fridge. Offence was aggravated by using the last cling film, not being arsed getting more, or texting me to get more at the shop along with her fizzy wine (which she did remember, funnily) and using tin foil instead. So balanced in the fridge on top of half a tub of mushrooms there were two foil covered dinner plates with mystery contents. I needed space so investigated. Plate 1- approx 22mm from the end of a home bake baguette, partially hacked off with blunt knife or nail scissors. Plate 2- two uneven small slices of cooked aubergine. I can feel my lower eyelid twitching as i type. Don't know how much more i can take.
  11. Thing is, a "law and order" approach isn't necessarily incompatible with a harm reduction strategy. It's just that the UKs toxic media/political environment plays it that way. They could have their futile, pointless war on drugs and still stop intravenous users from dying of gangrene in a civilised country. But some Kuensberg/Robinson arsepiece would be giving it "you promised to be tough on crime. Why are you allowing heroin galleries?" It's infantile and tragic.
  12. This sounds genuinely, brilliantly unhinged. In Ten Years to Save the West, Truss – who as Prime Minister sought to champion an agenda of limited government and individual freedom – will argue that the rise of authoritarianism around the world and the adoption of fashionable ideas propagated by the global left give us barely a decade to preserve the economic and cultural freedom and institutions that the West holds so dear. Liz Truss said: “After more than ten years as a government minister, I’ve seen up close the threats posed to global democracy. Across the free world, we face massive, unaccountable administrative states and complacent political and corporate establishments which are not only putting the brakes on economic growth, but also hampering our ability to stand up to authoritarian regimes like China and Russia. “I want to share the lessons from my experience in government and those international meetings where I was often the only conservative in the room and demonstrate that we have stark choices to make if we wish to avoid a managed decline of the Western architecture that has presided over generations of relative peace and prosperity.” Peppered with newsworthy anecdotes from her time in public life – such as her memorable last meeting with Queen Elizabeth II, her challenges to Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping as Foreign Secretary, her encounters with the Trump administration as Trade Minister, and her dismay at the political class’s attempts to betray Brexit – this book will be a timely warning about the perils facing conservatism in the years ahead. In it, Truss will warn that too many of her fellow conservatives have allowed themselves to be captured by the left-wing influences that set the agenda and frame the debate in so many institutions from the media to academia and the corporate world. She will also call for a return to the alliances built by leaders such as Reagan, Thatcher and others in another era when Western values were under siege. Only if the West recommits to building both strong societies and strong economies, unhampered by big government and regulation, Truss argues, can we guarantee voters a free and meaningful choice in their destiny.
  13. Define "non-Scots". I sure many on that list consider themselves at least partly Scottish, if not more Scottish than anything else. Of course, pure bred native status guarantees a great attitude.
  14. The current law bans "pitbulls" which aren't a recognised breed. If your dog isn't a Bully XL but somehow meets the definition, then it's probably the Keymaster or the Gatekeeper and should also be banned. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/69263/dogs-guide-enforcers.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjxpvGY9qGBAxUHXUEAHcOFBqoQFnoECBYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw01_EdafP07j4VbFX_Svozs
  15. How uk naming and shaming actually works. If you're unlucky enough to be first on the list people may just about notice. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/publishing-details-of-deliberate-tax-defaulters-pddd/current-list-of-deliberate-tax-defaulters
  16. Particularly annoying when one of the four is a rat-like yappy dog on a lead that doesn't get pulled or called across.
  17. Surely if all the Scottish clubs are in, along with the top four Welsh teams then it’s not “England “ anymore but Britain. It does seem silly that we’re all one country but play separate competitions. One island nation, one league, simple.
  18. Point of order. Two of those were mentioned, just not by name or their full sunday name.
  19. Asia isn’t a plate. Eurasia is. Asia is a generally understood* geographical area. If you’re referring to the Anatolian plate then that’s mostly in Asia but also includes bits of Greece, which isn’t. Tectonics doesn’t map perfectly to how we understand and classify the continents culturally. See Zealand, New; Gascar, Mada; India et al. *subject to arguments about which sides of rivers or mountains in the Urals and Caucuses form the boundary.
  20. I heard a comedian suggest that the kids flavours should be banned and replaced with something only adults would like, like olive or Stilton.
  21. Just realised that according to the South Park AIDS rule, 9/11 should be funny in January, so you’re a bit ahead of schedule with the jokes here.
  22. My mate and I knocked the door of a house overlooking the sea one evening to get the owner to help because we’d seen a boat on fire out at sea. The manny came rushing out with his binoculars then explained that it wasn’t on fire but it did have a light on and went back to bed. Obviously felt a bit bad about panicking the guy but would have felt worse if some sailors had burned to death and we hadn’t reported it just because we’d taken a load of acid and couldn’t really tell what was going on.
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