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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I recently replaced a DIY fitted oven that previous occupier had installed. Was only a plug in job but he had a high power oven in a standard socket. Luckily the house never burned down but high wattage stuff needs a bit more care.
  2. What you do with your sperm is up to you but biologically, i don't think you'll be able to fertilise a chicken's egg
  3. Second JAMC and think their former drummers band deserved a mention. Ok, the output has been patchy and he's a bell end but the high points are truly excellent. Whoever's mentioned or endorsed Texas needs to re-evaluate their life. Mentions for The Cocteaus, Shamen and some stuff by the Fannies.
  4. I'd say you've been to Asia because it's a geographical area, but not to those states, because you've not legally crossed the border. I went on a school trip to Strasbourg and we walked across a dam on a river (Rh-something- Rhine, Rhone, Rhur, unsure) into Germany for about a minute. I'm counting that as having been to Germany.
  5. Mine apparently can't make a telephone call herself so always gets me to do it, then starts talking over the person on the other end with instructions of the exact wording i should use. I've started just saying "here, my wife wants to speak to you" and passing the phone over.
  6. Very self aware depiction of the son, like the father, being backwards
  7. That's a really good read. I was almost obsessed with the." improvements" and enclosure in general a few years ago. It's really interesting to see the man himself tie all the threads together.
  8. I think there are also cover ups around the event and the whole situation that result in people not trusting the official version. Personally i think that the replacement of the official narrative with a deep state false flag narrative lacks evidence and logic and is a bit nuts. But i don't think it's that nuts, compared to likes of qanon or thinking that climate scientists made up global warming to get grants. There's a bit of murkiness about what the authorities knew and how, and what the involvement of the handler was with the security services. I think it's reasonable to question the official line on that. Personally I'm sceptical of the official narrative about the fourth plane and wouldn't be at all surprised if it had been shot down. I would be very surprised if Dick Cheney and Donnie Rumsfeld had sat down for a wee chat about Halliburton's share price and ended up hatching a plan to attack New York. But, you know they did anthrax themselves so it's not completely out there.
  9. One year today. Not convinced i was ever an alcoholic as such. More that i'd just get into the habit of drinking unhealthy amounts over again. Managed a fair few years of only drinking at weekends but was back up to a bottle of wine + a couple of beers and a large whisky nightcap on a Tuesday by last year. And it was like that most nights. It just bored me and made functioning how i'd like to more difficult. As one of many changes i've made kicking the booze has contributed to much better physical health and being in a much better place mentally. Quite like being sober all the time.
  10. Germany's ruling class is inbred with our own. They have huge respect for the rule of law and strict application of rules, for other people.
  11. My child and her pals have a stupid thing where if they see a yellow car they say "cheese on wheels" and are allowed to punch each other and she's recently branched out to getting me. I try to get her back if i spot one first. Yesterday we went past a car transporter with nine yellow cars on it. Fucking leathered her.
  12. It's about ten years since i gave up smoking and this thread is making me want to smoke a nice tab. These new fangled plastic bong thingies just don't make you look as cool or sophisticated.
  13. "I don't know how they manage" https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/tory-mp-sir-peter-bottomley-grim-82k-pounds-pay-rise-b959174.html
  14. I reckon a good proportion of the posters that he thinks he is stringing along are doing the exact same thing. There's only actually six Rangers* fans among the registered users, the rest are tragic Celtics trolling.
  15. Last time i boarded a train while intoxicated, i left my bag at the station, got on the wrong train then was sick on my shoes. I can see their point. Wasn't to or from football though.
  16. There's a clear continuum though. We only abolished serfdom in Scotland in the late 18th century. Ok, you couldn't take a serf to market to sell them; they went with the land, but that could change hands. While they were probably technically more free than an African slave in America they had no actual rights, freedom of action or possessions. There weren't many left by the time of the clearances, but there were some, and the transatlantic trade arose and grew in the context of a society where there was a hierarchy with unfree people at the bottom.
  17. If you want to get pished on the way to the game, it's probably easiest to just take the car as all the police will be fielding calls about buses stopping.
  18. Hunger Games+ 3x sequels Battle Royale meets The Running Man-for kids. Consistently entertaining, on the edge of too violent for the 11yo i was watching with. Good entry level dystopian sci fi without any subtelty. They never quite made sense of why they had the games, apart from baddies (Donald Sutherland- top baddie). Jennifer Lawrence is excellent and there's a good supporting cast, apart from the eventual love interest who's an arsehole who acts like a reject from a disney kids sitcom. 6/10 x 4
  19. Orthostatic hypotension. It's cheaper than weed
  20. It's a massive injustice. Hibs v the Establishment
  21. Was surprised he wasn't sent off. Seen them given.
  22. That was pish. Can't make a case for us deserving anything there.
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