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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Yes, but "crass" is an improvement on the usual "despicable".
  2. It's not just business. It's an abuse of market power. Most businesses don't exploit their customers or clients, they enter into a mutually beneficial bargain. It's worth me paying £1.00 to £1.50 to the shop for a loaf of bread so i don't need to grow my own grain, mill it and bake it. I accept that they should make a profit for that. Similarly if i book a flight for £100 i accept that a chunk of that is going to pay the airport for handling the flights etc. I'll even understand that the coffee etc will cost a bit more in the airport because the concessions have fees to pay to run the airport. But £5-£10 for dropping someone off is just gouging. It's partly just creating income from a captive market and partly protecting the taxi and parking income. Although they're not exactly full monopolies and compete for airlines, from a passenger perspective airports are fairly monopolistic, at least locally. There's a good argument for regulation of this sort of sneaky additional cost.
  3. Conversely, i haven't been diagnosed with anything and I'm a complete c**t.
  4. We need to register the EL squad by midnight tomorrow. Hopefully cram a couple of signings in by then? We should be ok on the locally trained players front. I make it : Club Ritchie, Milne, McKenzie, Barron, Duncan, Marshall Association Shinnie, Devlin, Doohan. Maybe a couple of those listed as "club" shouldn't be. Don't know how loans out might affect the qualifying rules. I don't think they do. Of those i think both Duncan or Marshall could go on list B and not count towards the 25 man limit. Currently that would leave us short of the 8 but if we signed another "local" player we could have a 27 man squad. I count 23 currently. Four more to go. Busy 24 hrs coming.
  5. The impact on the lives of ordinary people of a Hozier strike would be terrible.
  6. I emptied a basin of water down the sink this morning and some of it came out through the bottom of the cupboard door. Spent about 45 minutes investigating (a seal on a pipe has degraded and come away) cleaning, and booking a plumber, while keeping any resulting excess water in the basin in the sink. She gets up at her usual leisurely hour, listens to me summarise the position then empties the basin down the sink. Then, while protesting that she is not, in fact, dim witted (i disagreed) she turned the fucking tap on!
  7. Sounds like you're going to have to find a different way to assess students. Coursework is shite anyway, exams are the boys.
  8. The primary concern of liberalism is freedom. Capital appropriates liberalist rhetoric when it suits it to do so and ignores it when it doesn't. There's not a lot of emancipation in sweat shops.
  9. I already judged him on his youtube reel. He's a dumpling.
  10. Monsters (2010) Low budget sci fi posing a predictable rhetorical question. Watched following some clickbait ad piece recommending it. Was actually good. The monsters were pretty shit and shit CGI but they used the old Jaws trick to good effect. Not a fan of the bit part actors (hispanic) being billed as speaking extras and not properly credited while the waspy leads got their own individual billing. Still, decent enough watch, quite low key and naturalistic with engaging (but dislikable) characters. 6/10
  11. Throwing rubbish in the bin from a fair distance
  12. My autopilot took me half way to work last week before i realised i'd the kids in the car and was meant to be going to my folk's house. 30 odd miles off course but only an extra 15 mins or so on the journey fortunately. Stupid inflatable c**t.
  13. If they don't accept MAP then they'll never resolve juridical conflicts and will be subject to double taxation in perpetuity. Stupid Christians, no wonder the Romans used them as lion food.
  14. A nice big flake of callus coming away cleanly
  15. The Freakonomics guys did an analysis of the causes of the downturn in crime levels in NYC and concluded that Gulliani’s zero tolerance had little impact. The main causal factor (they found) was the liberalisation of abortion law in the 70s that reduced the numbers of unwanted, abandoned or neglected children who disproportionately go on to be adult criminals. I don’t know how robust the analysis is and how much they’re just trolling the Bible Belt, but I like it.
  16. How's that racist? Only Christian Scientists i've known personally were white people.
  17. Let's not be too critical until all the facts are in. It might be Albanians, that's fine.
  18. I ruined Public Enemy by using it for work. Had to memorise a load of case law for exams and had read that setting facts to music you liked helped recall. For a while there, the first few lines if Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos became a summary of the key facts from Gardner, Mountain and D'ambrumenil. Fortunately i no longer need to know nor care about those facts, so it's back to saying they were suckers.
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