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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Plan A was working quite well in the first half. Good to see us have a go. The absence of plan B or of any flexibility at all was a worry. The lack of strength in depth in the squad is also a concern. Even with 3 or 4 still to go we're struggling if we get an injury in some parts of the pitch. Thought that a few players gave a really good account of themselves despite being out of position. That was a really young team we had out. We'd three over 30s out there, then i think the next oldest was Bojan at 24, with all the other starters being 23 or younger. Bodes well.
  2. We definitely have the upper hand in grahic design. Totally compensates for having only three defenders.
  3. He could be. To be honest I’ve no real idea what standard the A league is (or what the viariability is like within it. he was probably too young to judge on limited appearances at Willem II. If he is a proper lb, great; if not we still need one.
  4. I think our level should be the EL. It’s not with the current squad but: ”We’re still working very hard to strengthen the squad across several areas between now and the end of the window. We’ve got numerous irons in the fire…” We’ve still a superstar or two to go. I reckon a Ramadani replacement, the next choice AM on the list after Teklic fell through and a LCB minimum. Hopefully a proper LB too but less hope of that. I doubt we’ll win it or even get out of the groups but we should give a reasonable account of ourselves, if we can get past Hacken first.
  5. On one hand, well done to the yoot for showing some initiative and using the potential of social media to organise collective action. On the other hand, it’s all in the service of materialism and involved tik tok. Overall, a victory for satan
  6. I always thought that hat wearing was associated with baldness because baldies wear hats to cover their shiny domes. I realise now that the causality runs the other way and hat wearing causes baldness.
  7. I don’t often watch the Beeb news but was at my old man’s and he had newsnight on. A Tory SPAD was debating a Tory website owner about what the best way to be cunty to migrants was while Kirsty Wark bollocked some charity guy for there being “a large number of Albanians in the country.”
  8. She always leaves dishes for me to do when she's done tea. I don't mind much because she does washing and most hoovering, dusting etc. What i do mind is her new habit she's started, of leaving chopping boards or oven trays by the side of the sink but slightly overlapping the edge of the sink. Put stuff in the sink or beside it. Not a bit of both you fucking lunatic. This is just the latest in a line of minor dishwashing irritations that I'm starting to think may be a pattern of abuse. Dirty teacups, not by or in the sink, but shoved in a corner so i don't notice them till after i've "finished" the dishes. Dirty teaspoons rinsed on one side only and put on the draining board. Throwing out the last scourer when it's been out less than a day. She's definitely trying to goad me into a rage.
  9. Clear correlation with the popularity of rock music there. Dubious that there were almost 800 on the go in the early 80s but the increasing popularity of prog though the 70s would certainly explain it.
  10. It's 34 square miles now, but Ascension, like Iceland, is part of the mid-Atlantic ridge where new land is being created. This is actually sensible long term succession planning.
  11. That was shite. Not tough enough to go toe to toe and not skillful enough to play around them. Glass half full, it's a point.
  12. People slowing down for tunnels. There's tunnels on the motorway near here in a 2 lane 50 mph bit that's always busy. There's a sizeable contingent of people that slow down to forty on entering the tunnel (steady), where there's no overtaking then speed up at the other end. You've a choice of waiting behind them or getting pinnedvin the outside lane as they undertake. Is there some sort of turbulence /drag effect that only impacts imbeciles?
  13. I see. Looks like one group of self publicising wanksocks slagging of another.
  14. I got a ticket for stopping in a yellow box from a camera. Some arsehole about three cars in front left about a car length and a half of space and I was left still half in the box. I know it was technically my fault but fucking hell.
  15. We got a good season out of him and apparently have made a decent profit. Result all round.
  16. Official site has 23 first team squad players. Includes Richardson who I thought was out on loan. Excludes Towler, Ritchie and Bavidge, but Milne is in. Unsure if this is of any significance. I count 7 homegrown in the existing list. If ramadani and Stewart go then we’re light on numbers, homegrown or otherwise. And those remaining include unproven prospects or “proven to be mediocre” McKenzie, Morris, Williams, Barron, Besuijen, Polvara, Milne, Doohan, (maybe Duncan) a couple of genuine unknowns (Dadya and Rubi) and a couple of geriatrics that will need managed game time. We have three quality strikers (I haven’t seen Sokler but those who have sound impressed) and a solid spine. Which is great. Lets get the McCrorie and McKenna money splashed.
  17. He does that in the spfl and he’ll concede a foul, after a 25 minute VAR review.
  18. It’s not pleasant but at least she massacres the mice that would also shit in the kitchen.
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