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Archie McSquackle

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Everything posted by Archie McSquackle

  1. I've said this before (well, it has been going on forever) but videoing a hearse seems a very strange way of paying your sombre respects. It seems to have become standard behaviour for the thousands lining the road though.
  2. These xG stats are a pile of pish, the St. Johnstone game being the best example. Both teams with an xG of less than 1 - actual scoreline 2-1.
  3. I called a company once for technical advice and their technical manager was called Peter Tobin. It was shortly after the girl's body had been discovered below the church floorboards and I got the impression he was fed up on people commenting on his name. Seemed a decent bloke but I'm not convinced by a minute's silence.
  4. I'm not a royalist and won't be grieving but there are plenty of people who seem to get a minute's silence or applause and I'll either join in or stay quietly in my seat out of respect for my fellow supporters who do wish to pay tribute. It's common decency. I just can't get my head round booing or singing through a tribute, no matter who it's for.
  5. I've got some stuff to do around the house this afternoon and I'm normally quite happy working away while listening to OAM. Change of plan- I'm not spending my afternoon listening to a Rangers game with token coverage of the other games. Podcasts for me. Edit. I've put the radio on for 5 minutes before I start and they are going to reporters at other games for goals. It appears they have reporters covering the games, they just can't be arsed putting them on OAM.
  6. Depends what mood I'm in! Currently drinking Hop Rocking Beats Hazy IPA from 71. Quite nice but not sure of the sour aftertaste.
  7. Lovely, I'll be heading to Aldi. I was in The Brewhaus on Queen Margaret Drive in Glasgow before the recent Thistle v ICT game and they had this on draught. Delicious pint.
  8. Rightly or wrongly (I'm not a monarchist but I'm not getting involved in the rights and wrongs), traditionally the monarch is the head of the Church of England so it sort of goes without saying they have to be C of E. It's a bit like saying the Pope has to be Catholic. The rules were no doubt written when they wouldn't have considered any other religion so I assume that's why only Roman Catholics are specifically excluded.
  9. Is she likely to be inside it or is it just an empty box? Do undertakers normally keep dead bodies in refrigerated rooms or is embalming enough to keep them for a week or so? I've noticed a few times the BBC referring to the queen's coffin rather than the queen.
  10. I take it they don't actually check the guests are who they say they are? Fingers on the record button!
  11. If you read the guy's thread, that's his point. He's commenting on the absurdity of it.
  12. I've not been to Centre Parcs in over a decade but it used to be you either book Friday to Monday or Monday to Friday. Nobody could afford to stay a whole week. You had to leave your accommodation on the Monday morning away but you were able to stay and use the facilities. It's still wrong but they're not likely to be chucking many folk out their accommodation. Folk who were due to arrive on the Monday will be justifiably raging.
  13. I managed about half an hour. I know it wasn't the most earth-shattering comment, I was just surprised the difference was still so marked in Mid-September. The programme on BBC1 was called The Eve of the Procession. In other words, there's something happening tomorrow and we're showing a car driving.
  14. I've just put the news on and am more surprised that it looks pitch black in London going by the live coverage. I'm just about to go out to do some work in the garden as it's a lovely evening here in Glasgow.
  15. From the little I saw of it, they had a spare hearse in the entourage that was following on behind. Whatever else you think of it, you've got to respect their organisational skills. Probably had every last detail sorted out for years.
  16. Plenty of people have, in the past, lined the streets to watch the funeral procession of an ex-football player or manager or favourite actor etc. to pay their respects. Maybe I'm showing my age but what I don't see as respectful is waiting to film a hearse on your mobile phone.
  17. I've got this in the fridge and will get to it next week probably. Had a bit of a Lidl night with the end of a bottle of Ben Vracken and a can of Luminous Lights.
  18. Judicious Juicy Pale from Kirkstall is lovely and fruity.
  19. I won't be surprised if the government announces a period of mourning so you could well get time off work, particularly if you are a public employee or work for a large company that doesn't want a PR disaster.
  20. I can't see there being any games on before the international break going by the length of break after Diana.
  21. I normally just watch the highlights on Sportscene but was hoping the club would show something from the cup game last week. It may well be done to rights but it was a very short clip with only the goals and penalty incidents being shown.
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