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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Also correct, overdoing coffee is unpleasant and can give me a headache. Although tea really is shite.
  2. At the risk of monkman reporting me to the authorities for paedophilic tendencies, coffee is great. But it needs to be hot, no milk, no sugar and some lovely filtered stuff, no instant pish.
  3. Article on bbc sport about Robert enke 10 years on from his death. Still find it terrifying reading and so sad. Especially that he seemingly came through his depression a few times before it eventually came back fatally.
  4. Won't happen. It's a known fact that Ferguson and his entire family hate Rangers and everything about them.
  5. If only they could just stick to finding ex OF players from 30 years ago to say "I fink the title race wull go doon to the wire and it'll come doon to the old firm games"
  6. Lazy? A scout watched glen kamara so I think it’s fairly obvious that the logical headline is rangers will sign Lewis Ferguson.
  7. English was absolutely spot on. Refreshing to hear an Irishman calling them out on the fact their ‘Irish identity’ stuff is absolute nonsense. Self righteousness was another good point and highlights their laughable moral high ground on lazio.
  8. The military Parades at ibrox, Celtic bravely battling fascism in Italy. We have so much to thank them for.
  9. Agree I don’t see the issue. Although I do find her very annoying.
  10. Harsh, not everyone can compete with the razor sharp wit and originality you bring to P&B every day.
  11. I see. I totally missed this as generally avoid coverage of remembrance day.
  12. Sorry if I’m being thick but what’s the conspiracy over them using the wrong footage?
  13. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/11/donald-trump-jr-walks-out-of-triggered-book-launch-after-heckling-from-supporters Just a very strange country.
  14. Ok. A years silence on this thread from 11am. As an act of remembrance, of course.
  15. Obviously disagreeing. If you don't like wine it means you've been drinking shit wine. And I'm not sure having a curry is even worth it without a fine beer to go along with it.
  16. Coke with curry, all wine is shite. This place is deteriorating at a rate of knots.
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