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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. People get awfully excited about 'debt'. It is/was owed to investors who are happy not to see their money back anytime soon or earn interest etc. Even if the debt isn't 'wiped out' it's not really a problem.
  2. Calm down fella, just offering a helpful service to the excitable Saintees.
  3. Wouldn’t read much into mcinnes’ press conference comments. He was basically not wanting to speak about it and was just moving the conversation on.
  4. They cheated in the semi finals. They deserved NOTHING.
  5. You're assuming the end goal is success in Europe
  6. Don't worry I'm adept at avoiding your dog with a bone act if I feel tedium approaching.
  7. Don't be so sensitive MT, I wasn't having a go. It is just that the argument is the same every year and it can be tedious. I'm split on the issue as one side of me would like to see greater access to Europe for more clubs, not see us get further and further away. The real issue here is not coefficients but what one or two clubs qualifying for the CL does to domestic competitions in countries like ours. I'd rather reform so that a large % of CL money goes to the SPFL as opposed to Celtic for example and it becomes an investment in the league as opposed to a reward for the club. This is, however, fanciful as no parties involved would want it and we'd be told to be grateful for the £250k we get out of Celtic qualifying or whatever it is.
  8. ahh the annual coefficient argument. Wonderful.
  9. I have a bit of that, I enjoy trying the elaborate meals and seeing how they turn out. I’ve heard “that’s nice that you’ve offered to cook but I’m hungry so I’ll do it” a few times. It’s a win win approach really.
  10. Let’s organise a straight white male cooks march
  11. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/48926552 Should save people clicking on the sun
  12. Baking is pish. Cooking a decent meal with a few beers is absolutely where it’s at.
  13. Surely the people you need to target are those middle class voters with little emotional attachment to Scottish independence. Convince them that not only can Scotland survive on its own but there are clear economic benefits to independence, you suspect a no deal brexit would aid that argument in any case.
  14. Mcinnes is actually quoted on the AFC website talking about it: “Stevie May and I had a chat. “He will have a few options to see what he wants to do, to go and get regular football. We are happy for Stevie to go out on loan, get regular football and try and catch fire and score goals for someone with the option of coming back in January. “That is something we would like to happen. “We have spoken to Stevie about it, he understands it and he is receptive to getting out there and playing somewhere. “It might be that one of his options is a permanent move but we are not shutting the door on Stevie.
  15. I’m the same, I make my own lunch, eat it at my desk then go for a half an hour walk to clear the head. f**k wasting my lunch making small talk with colleagues.
  16. I suspect May himself doesn't want to be a workhorse striker creating space and openings for others. It's not a bad trait but he does so much work outside the box he seems to have lost the instinct for goalscoring. I don't know whether that's down to him or it's what he's been asked to do but it isn't serving him particularly well. Hopefully a loan deal gets hhim that instinct back. I think if he was on half the wages we'd keep him around as he does bring a lot to the team.
  17. I do. I make a class chilli con carne if I do say so myself. That's a weekend job though as I let it simmer for like 4 hours. Mrs and I generally share the cooking during the week though.
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