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Specky Ginger

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Everything posted by Specky Ginger

  1. Given Anne Budge is heading the talks on reconstruction (WTF?), I'd imagine there'll be two promoted and no relegation. That would surely leave East Fife as one of the favourites for league one next season, therefore surely if you're winning most weeks, the increase in home punters will offset the Lino pound?
  2. With all the talk of proposed reconstruction, I'd be surprised if you're not joining us next season. As runners up, of course
  3. Aye, and the fact Anne Budge has been asked to become involved in a proposed restructure for the 20/21 season suggests that Hearts aren't going to be relegated, therefore that must have implications for promotion as well.
  4. Thanks for your sentiments, but I'm not remotely convinced this has ended. I can see an omnishambles in the courts over the next few months.
  5. I'll be honest and say that when Airdrie went 3-1 up, it was morbid curiosity more than anything else that made me stay til the end. I was intrigued as to whether most of the venom would be directed towards Smith or Davo.
  6. If it's premiering at 3 o'clock, I'll make a point of being in the house by 4.30. 4.40 would have been fine, but I didn't get a clear view of Davo's red card and would like to see it again.
  7. Come on now, you come across as one of the more streetwise and sensible posters on here. If 3 leagues of 16 is being spoken about, surely you're not naive enough to realise it will contain at least two colt teams.
  8. Tazz is only on here as he's gutted his granny's 30th birthday party has been cancelled due to the lockdown.
  9. I'm not sure I would exactly settle for that, but it would be a good start.
  10. According to the Daily Record (I know, I know), John Nelms is proposing that the prize money Rovers and Dundee United would receive, if they are declared league winners, should be slashed and given to Hearts and Partick Thistle to compensate for them being relegated. This appears to be one of the caveats for Dundee changing their vote.
  11. It takes Scottish football from the gutter to the sewer. And I say that as the supporter of a team who stands to gain if the bastion of financial integrity that is Dundee Fc, change their vote to Yes. It should be two up, no relegation, then one up and three down next season if they want to revert back to 12-10-10-10.
  12. I'd forgotten what an absolute belter of a statement that was. Undisclosed fee for Bates. Iain Cathro's high flying Jambos. Incredible.
  13. I'm self employed (sole trader) and therefore not earning a bean at the moment, until I might get my BoJo bonus in June, but others are still working from home on full pay, with much less outgoings at the moment (travel to work etc), so if they choose to use some of their income to support the Rovers, it's entirely a matter for them.
  14. Regardless of whether these are last season's or this season's fugures, and regardless of which way clubs voted on Friday, isn't the biggest scandal in all of this that the team finishing 5th in the championship receives less in prize money than Neil Doncaster receives as a basic salary? Chuck in the 91 grand bonus he received last season (for f**k knows what) and it's not to difficult to see why Scottish football is bleeding through its arse.
  15. It's going to end in abject humiliation for either The Rangers or Neil Doncaster. Win-win. Sit back with the popcorn and enjoy the movie.
  16. I can't understand why this wasn't put on the table. There's no good solution, but this is far and away the least bad. Unfortunate for Airdrie etc, but they get a crack at the title next year in a league without Rovers Falkirk and Partick, so no excuses.
  17. Given the track record of our former CEO, who is now employed by Dundee, I actually can believe it didn’t arrive, got lost in the post or wasn't sent properly. How ironic that the Rovers' fate lies in the hands of Eric Drysdale.
  18. As said above, the board have stressed that people should only give what they feel they can afford and should not compromise their own welfare or that of their families. Obviously there's been a couple of large scale donations, but a lot of what's come in has been from people who have cancelled their Sky subscription and used the money to help the Rovers, or guys who have donated what they would have spent going to Peterhead four weeks ago, or on a home match day.
  19. There's never going to be a solution to please everyone, but speaking as a Rovers fan, I don't think the proposal on the table is fair, given the gap between us and the remaining fixtures. Voiding the season after more than 75% of the games have been played would be even more unfair. Much as I'd love to see Hearts and Ian McCall suffer a sair ane, the least bad solution is to promote two teams from each league, no relegation, bring Kelty and Brora into league two, then have one up three down in each league next season to redress the balance.
  20. Hopefully the clubs have the sense not to entertain this nonsense, but apart from the ugly sisters themselves, there'll also be pressure from Doncaster and his cohorts at the SPFL as they don't give a toss about actual attendances in grounds, but they'll see this as an opportunity to secure a TV deal with Premier Sports or such like. The TV companies see the armchair old firm fan as a lucrative market and Doncaster will have bonus clauses in his contract related to the amount of revenue brought in from a TV deal.
  21. I'm not sure it'll necessarily be the smaller clubs who'll be hardest hit. A lot, although not all, of the smaller clubs are generally quite prudently run. It could be the supposedly 'ambitious' clubs that are hit hardest as many of them have players on high wages and long term contracts.
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