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Hawkeye the Gnu

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Everything posted by Hawkeye the Gnu

  1. That took me back so it did. I was in Boghead around the same time, young, daft and absolutely blootered. I walked through the home fans shouting obscenities and got a dull one on the coupon. I remember stopping and staring at my assailant, totally stunned that someone would actually punch me as I thought I was untouchable. Taught me a big lesson as I realised afterwards with a hangover and a sore face that it could have been much worse. Those pesky Dumbarton fans eh?
  2. Join the club mate. I came on here and everyone insisted I was Magee....................whatever happened to him? I agree with Henrik by the way, it's good to know there are at least two decent h*ns out there.
  3. Dreadful refereeing performance. Thought Power was lucky not to get a second booking earlier. Shocking overall.
  4. You boys at the back of the class clearly haven't been listening. Hit............Hitting Fit..........Fitting Knit.......Knitting Shit.......Shitting. Shite...Shiting. Must try harder..........and you a published author as well. Great book by the way.
  5. Keep an eye open for the Cadbury's Milk Tray man daein a heeder from the top flat.
  6. I suppose that having a Roofe over the Big Hoose will now make it watertight ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  7. Good luck to him if true. He's been one of the most talented players in the country for the past few years,.....but a total fanny, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is never a dull moment when watching him for one reason or another.
  8. Are Hurlford Thistle still paying all their players wages or are they down to 80% ?
  9. Fish-tank shitebag sounds like a lyric from Pink Floyds' Animals Ha Ha Charade you are..................
  10. Don't you go feeling sorry for us mate. We've already got the 'Herd Immunity' the government's trying to install. If it comes anywhere near us we'll set aboot it, and anyway Buckfast's a great remedy.
  11. Ah, the supreme beauty that is P&B. Where else would you see this wonderful banter about important issues like GT's sexual practices (she could practice on me any day even if she must be a pensioner wi' nae teeth, aye thats defo the reason..) being interrupted by pish rumours about English clubs wanting to fck over one of our own..... REAL news.
  12. I thought it was her face that was getting stuffed at the time, if the rumours were correct.
  13. The drink's a terrible thing. TBH I'm not even sure how I managed to put two words together last night. Anyway, I much prefer this version.
  14. Under McInnes you're hardly playing football that's easy on the eye. With the budget and the players you have you should be more than capable of producing something better. I could see the point if this 'anti football' was winning trophies, but it's not. Currently you are behaving like a team of thugs, but I'm sure that's only because that's how you have been coached. Aberdeen FC should be capable of so much more than they're doing, and IMO, McInnes has had his day and should be dumped ASAP. Apart from being a total bawbag of an individual. he's really not that good a manager. I've always had a soft spot for the club and was in Sweden with friends to witness their greatest hour (and a half), I've even got the sign from Goteborg railway station to prove it, (it fell off, honest). My hope for the future is that McInnes gets punted and you mount a serious challenge to Septic, oh, and you let us win occasionally at Rugby Park. Amen.
  15. Seriously though, under McInnes you're hardly playing football that's easy on the eye. With the budget and the players you have you should be more than capable of producing something better. I could see the point if this 'anti football' was winning trophies, but it's not. Currently you are behaving like a team of thugs, but I'm sure that's only because that's how you have been coached. Aberdeen FC should be capable of so much more than they're doing, and IMO, McInnes has had his day and should be dumped ASAP. Apart from being a total bawbag of an individual. he's really not that good a manager. I've always had a soft spot for the club and was in Sweden with friends to witness their greatest hour (and a half), I've even got the sign from Goteborg railway station to prove it, (it fell off, honest). My hope for the future is that McInnes gets punted and you mount a serious challenge to Septic, oh, and you let us win occasionally at Rugby Park. Amen.
  16. Defo not Slippy G. He's never won anything as a manager. WFAANW.
  17. I worked there myself for over eleven years, hence why the attempt at humour escaped me. Sorry for the abuse mate, it was uncalled for, but it just hit a nerve.
  18. The "fact" was in capitals only in response to the other posters use of capitals in "FAKE NEWS". I'm very much aware of whats going on just now and how all appropriate steps need to be taken to contain it. I was only responding to his suggestion of cancelling grass roots football, pointing out that this would be an over reaction at present. You, my friend, however have chosen to make it personal for some reason, which probably says so much more about you. Have a nice day.
  19. Some games attracting in excess of 5,000 fans cancelled in other countries. FACT. What football do you think exists in Onthank? Two groups of men, boys, women running around a park in the fresh air getting exercise, with one man and his dog watching. What was the question again?
  20. OK, here's the chat. Scaremongering pish like that is Extreme. Whats to expand on?
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