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Everything posted by Jacky1990

  1. Neither of those were captains of a successful team. Docherty was. McCall built a good squad of players at Ayr with a few more experiences players (Kerr, Bell, Adams, Moffat) yet gave Docherty the captaincy. That says something about him imo.
  2. Tom Walsh will be at a top end Championship or lower end Premiership team. You mean the Lewis Spencer who plays regularly for a Premiership team? Liam Craig, a potential for next St J manager and 100% out of our wage range. Tony Andreu is 4 and a half years older than Docherty, is a total luxury player and, again, 100% out of our wage range. Football Manager pish.
  3. Fucking mental take on a guy who has captained a team that's been comfortably better than us for 2 seasons now. He would have been a good, solid signing in the Championship. He's now an excellent addition for a League One campaign. If all our signings this season are of the calibre of Ross Docherty we'll be doing well
  4. Fair enough. Was putting two and two together and probably getting five.
  5. Agreed, creative midfielder, a centre back and options at full back are a must. I think we will try go two up top kost of the season so theres a fair chance we go with a 3-5-2 which will mean we need 2 more centre backs, preferably one that could cover one of the full back positions as well. One player I could see us being interested in is Calvin Miller. Just released from Celtic, can play anywhere down the left and has worked with McCall before. Would essentially replace Tommy Robson bur he just strikes me as a McCall project type player. Could also see Steven Anderson and Chris Erskine returning.
  6. Alex Dyer is going to come off his weekend lockdown binge with a blank memory and a b*****d of a hangover. "f**k, hope I didn't embarrass myself" "Well, Alex, you signed Scott Fox and claimed to the media that the move would help his Scotland squad prospects" "f**k....pass the whisky"
  7. Agreed. Our central midfield of Bannigan, Docherty and Niang certainly lacks creativity. Gordon might be a good option off the bench if we need a goal, but hes an absolute passenger at all other times. Wouldnt mind us going for a Ross Forbes - Joe McKee type player to dictate the tempo and have a few cracks from range as I imagine we'll have far more of the ball next season compared to last 7 or 8 years.
  8. If we're so shite (which we are) and you're on here mocking us, why not take the bet? Easy way to get some money for the charity of your choice, no? You're not confident enough in your own team to take that bet are you?
  9. Friendly charity bet that Thistle make the Championship promotion playoffs* before Morton? *playoffs to get into the Premiership
  10. Exactly. Can you imagine the utter love in for that game across the media, regardless of where they two teams were in the league at that time. There's enough vile already without adding to it. And you just know they would try sign every half decent prospect under then sun just so that their B teams could be better than the other ones B team. Maybe if these teams, Rangers in particular, just focused more on developing their youth players rather than pretending the fact they dont have any youth players in their squad is to do with league structure and not their complete inability to develop young talent for their own first team. Celtic at least have 3 or 4 there or thereabouts.
  11. Given the uncertainty around just now I'd be surprised if too many of our contracted players jumped ship just now. Mansell is one I think might boost if we gets something else lined up. Graham and Rudden might attract interested from quite a few teams but not sure if it would be concrete enough for us to agree to, especially for Rudden since we paid a fee.
  12. Get the Colts idea as far to f**k as possible. For a start it is only designed to benefit two teams and the idea that it would somehow benefit the national team is laughable. Totally takes the competitiveness of it out when Celtic B start romping the Championship but cant get promoted. Wont help player development any more than the current set up and a slap to the face for all other clubs. As I said, get them as far to f**k as possible. Even bringing them into the Challenge Cup is a total embarrassment.
  13. Wouldn't surprise me if he ended up back at County or even at a place like Aberdeen to replace Cerny as the permanent bench warmer.
  14. Where you getting that from? There's surely no way Celtic would loan him to a League 1 side when there would be top end Championship and probably lower end Premiership teams after him? Hamilton and Ross County spring to mind from the Prem at least. Him going to Hearts on loan would make the most sense IMO.
  15. Of all the players under contract for next season he was the one I was really hoping would jump shift. Pretty obviously one of our high earners, a bang average keeper and blocking the pathway to a decent young prospect in Sneddon. Would quite like us to sign Neil Parry or someone similar as a backup keeper, even if he's on a part-time contract. Or does anyone know if young Scullion is ready to play second fiddle?
  16. Always good to hear from current and former players but its a bit of a nothing interview IMO
  17. My thoughts exactly. For once it makes good business sense by sevco. Even if we have to sell rudden again in a year or two back to them a) he'll obviously have done us a massive turn, b) we'll make some money and c) we'll be seen as a good club for youth prospects to develop. If not, we took an educated gamble and lost.
  18. Maybe theyy are thinking along the Ross McCormack lines. Bet they'd have taken him back on the cheap after his Motherwell spell
  19. I'm going out on a limb and saying it wont be to Fleetwood though.
  20. Assuming neither Graham nor Rudden jump shift, having Mansell and Doolan as back up strikers would be more than enough. Think Mansell if worth a run out in Lesgue One as that's where I think we would all have liked him punted on loan last season. Doolan being there is a coach/4th choice striker might suit everyone provided his wage demands aren't excessive (doubt they would be given how he's unlikely to get another full time gig). Getting Erskine on board is a no brainer for me. He would allow is to play a 4-4-2 with a diamond midfield which might be handy on narrow pitches.
  21. Cant be the only one annoyed by the graphics. Reads "Ross Welcome Docherty". Hurts my brain.
  22. Surely there are legal and ethical questions about it though? Possibly contractual issues with league sponsors? I cant imagine the SPFL or SFA can just accept large amounts of money without assurances of where the money comes from (i.e. making sure its not illegally earned money). Obviosuly any money coming in would be great, but there are usually catches to these things. Makes sense the SPFL/SFA wouldnt just take the money and run with it without needing some due diligence. There's also the Ann Budge clusterfuck factor which should send alarm bells ringing.
  23. Would be a fan of either. I do wonder if the NHS t-shirt launch is a sneaky marketing strategy along the lines of "well this has t-shirt sold better than anticipated and shows how much Jag fans care, so we've now made the design our away top and £5 from every top sold will go to an NHS charity".
  24. Haha never knew that had happened. Not a banter years entry, but mind they were all convinced they were getting Robert Pires and Zinedine Zidane when Le Guen got announced as manager but ended up with Jeremy Clement and Filip Sebo .
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