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The Toun Clock

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Everything posted by The Toun Clock

  1. Not for me. I didn’t want him in the first place after getting Alloa relegated last term. In no situation would I be happy with the start. Even if he said he wanted us just to stay up this season, we’ve still drawn or lost to teams you’d expect to fight it out for relegation. The start has been appalling. I do know what you mean though, PG made a rod for his own back saying he wanted us to win the league. The signings quickly showed that wouldn’t be the case but we enjoyed the ride with his lengthy interviews until the actual football started. If he had said he wanted to aim for playoffs as it was his first season with us and a squad with new players then maybe a large % would still be backing him.
  2. He’s crap, really crap. The worse defender I’ve seen in 25 years of watching the Pars. I know he’s just a kid, but he’s never going to play for Dundee Utd’s first team.
  3. See if you even think about tweeting McBookie asking for a price I’ll be very very cross. You’ve a 100% track record with these type things
  4. If you go on the sport section of their website as opposed to via Twitter it’s all there to read mate.
  5. Seen this on twitter. I’m visiting family in Ireland so missing the game or I’d be up for some sort of protest. Be nice to see as many involved as possible.
  6. I know he’s not everyone’s cup of tea but big Yogi is someone I’ve wanted for a long time. When he got the Ross Co job I was disappointed. Then he kept them up and I thought there would be no chance, yet oddly Roy McGregor wanted to do something else. Yogi became available about the same time Stevie left so I thought there was a chance then, yet we ended up with PG. People throw shade on Yogi but he’d have those players playing for him I’m sure. Won the cup with Inverness, kept Ross Co in the Premiership against all odds, that’s the kinda manager I’m looking for. Don’t care if it didn’t work for him at Raith. Keeping a Ross Co in the Premiership overshadows not keeping Raith in the Championship.
  7. I didn’t expect him to get the boot over the weekend but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if we’re sitting here at this time tomorrow without a manager. I’d like to think that after the Arbroath game the board and PG had a meeting and gave the ultimatum that we needed to beat Ayr. As mentioned above, it’s crazy to think we’ve not yet played Inverness, Killie, Raith or Accies. I know the latter haven’t had a great start either but it’s all the relegated teams or ones that finished near us. When the fixtures came out and I seen we had a Morton, Thistle, Raith, Arbroath and Ayr for the first 5 I fancied us to go undefeated.
  8. Going to stick my neck out here and say that I don't think anyone would rather keep PG over DT.
  9. Hopefully the consummation of marriage is a pumping for us, leading to a pumping of Grant out the door.
  10. Aye I don't think Dom Thomas has played as a winger at all this season, minus the cup games early doors. He's not had a great start but none of them have. Be very annoyed if this is the case. Only good thing is if this is the case then Grant's booting won't be far off either.
  11. Someone on dotnet has posted to say Dom Thomas has asked to leave the club with immediate effect.
  12. Daily Record reporting Hopkin standing down. That's Ayr getting the new manager bounce which will bring them victory, then PG binned. Thanks all.
  13. Aye none of us can quite understand the appointment. I don't think I ever will tbh, even if we were to somehow win the league or get promotion via the playoffs this season I still would be curious as to how he was the man they thought would do it. He wasn't even on the McBookie long list of duds until another poster on here requested a price. Bet was placed, PG became the favorite overtaking Petrie and that was that. I'm blaming that poster tbh, think he might be related to PG cough cough @Rob1885
  14. Must win for Pars IMO. Anything less than a win and Grant should be sacked on the bus and dropped off in Glasgow on the way back to the toon. I'd be surprised if the losing manager isn't given his jotters, been a poor start for both teams.
  15. They might be. But they also might be thinking 'that's him 3 games without a win, fail to win away to Ayr on Saturday and we have to change it'. Let's be honest, I don't even think Roman Abramovich would have sacked a manager after 3 league games but it probably wouldn't be far off. Last year was difficult for the fans to vote with their feet because we couldn't attend the games and watching on a stream isn't for everyone, so they would have anticipated less paying customers. I personally think if crowds were in last season that Stevie's position could have came under threat, fans really weren't happy but apart from voicing their opinions on social media and fans forums there was no real way to get your point across. I know from my opinion I was already disappointed with how the season was teetering out before Raith scudded us 5-1, couldn't see anyway back for him after that. This season is different, we can now all go to the games so if the football on show continues to be poor even more fans will stop going.
  16. I think they will. Just because PG hasn't been sacked yet doesn't mean they haven't been having conversations behind the scenes, amongst the board plus with PG and possibly even the players. I want PG gone as much as the next person but if they'd sacked him by now I'd be gobsmacked, we've only played 3 league games. Just to be clear though I don't for one second think he can turn this around, purely just speculating as to how the board are viewing this.
  17. Just looked at the fixtures and honestly can't see where our next win comes from. Looking at the next 4 (away to Ayr, home to ICT and Hamilton, away to Raith) if we were to win none of those games then I can't see him being in charge by time October begins. Ayr haven't had a great start but it's been more respectable than ours. ICT are the best team in the league as it stands, Hamilton will beat us because we never beat them at East End and the Raith game is a lottery. If it was the old board fully in charge then I'd be concerned he'd get until Christmas, or even the full campaign but with the Germans on board now I think he could be out quicker. They might have had involvement in his appointment but I think they'll be more ruthless, genuinely wouldn't be surprised if they'd had a "chat" already. His interviews where he mentions that he "hopes to get time to fix things" will suggest that.
  18. Bizarre to read Peter Grant has again blamed COVID for last weeks 0-3 humping by Arbroath. We were without two defenders that have played a combined amount of 13 minutes this season, what difference were they going to make? Shambles.
  19. Aye it was the tell him he's pele podcast with Craig Telfer. Glad to see the Elgin game is patched, wasn't going, crap meaningless tournament. We'd probably sh*tfest our way to a 1 goal win and the 'just happy to have a football club' types talking about a corner being turned.
  20. If we were to get rid of PG say within the next month then I think the board would have to accept the failure lies with them, and they'd then try everything possible to get someone good in, get the fans back on side. Replacing AJ with Crawford was uninspiring but we got on with his because it was Stevie and it sounded nice, he's a club legend and already an employee. You could kinda see the logic behind it. Replacing Stevie with PG still doesn't make sense to me and likely never will. If we replaced PG with Chipper I think I'd genuinely shred my season ticket, have my stupid tattoo lasered off and burn my Pars kit collection.
  21. Without sounding like one of those ITK types, I'm almost certain DC applied for the role but that was as far as it went. Yogi was my first pick for the job after Petrie. The day after Crawford announced he was resigning Yogi left Ross Co. I thought there might have been a chance but sadly not, although if PG does get the boot then I would think Yogi won't be too far off the list again. Thing is, people thing Yogi is a crap manager because he like's to blether, is a bit of a madman and has had poor spells here or there, what manager hasn't at this level? Won the Scottish Cup with ICT, kept Ross Co up against all odds last season and done well with Falkirk in the Premiership years ago. No one expects us to go in and be a top 4 Premiership team again anytime soon, we need to get out of the division and then try to stay in the top flight, even if we're finishing 10th or 11th. I think Yogi could do that with the Pars. Unpopular opinion of course.
  22. I would normally agree, but for PG a defeat in this game would surely get him the sack. Regardless we should have enough to win but I’m the same as you, I’d prefer we didn’t bother.
  23. Aye all rivalries aside it truly is awful. Whether he could come back physically from 4 ACL injuries is one thing but mentally, must be feeling rock bottom. Shame for the lad, despite his numerous goals against us over the years there is no denying he's a classy wee player.
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