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The Toun Clock

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Everything posted by The Toun Clock

  1. Game rescheduled for Wednesday 29th September, 7:45 KO live on BBC.
  2. Rovers game rescheduled for Wednesday 29th September, 7:45 KO live on BBC.
  3. We defended impeccably that day. A long range fluke from Mikey Johnstone and a deflected shot from James Forrest beat us that day. We had a stone wall penalty turned down as well when Julien took Nisbet out with a spinning wheel kick whilst last man.
  4. Someone I have on Facebook just said that the board including Germans are at the civil service club in Rosyth. Hopefully getting a step closer to announcing the new training facilities.
  5. Correct. Was definitely 5 at the back with Martin as LCB and Edwards as LWB anyway.
  6. Signed for Clyde the day after he left Alloa. Any idea when Iain Wilson is due back? What a difference he would make.
  7. When we had our stint in league 1 post admin I could sense a real togetherness off the pitch. Fans were travelling all over the country in their thousands, good Dunfermline people were involved at the club and you felt like we were really going places off the park. I'm not sure when or where but somewhere down the line that has disappeared. Ross McCarthur used to go on about being transparent but I feel it's back to a them and us situation between fans and board. The relationship is pretty sour just now and has been for some time.
  8. We are but I can't say I'm surprised. Calling for the managers sacking after 3 league games isn't normal but I think it is warranted in this case. Brought in a guy that got relegated from the league last season that none of us wanted who has now gone on to talk an awful lot of p1sh, making bold predictions and some dogsh*t signings. The board have shot themselves in the foot with this one but they're a stubborn bunch. We kept AJ well past his sell by date and we done the same with Crawford. Crawford would still be in place now if he didn't resign.
  9. Arbroath fans are harmless, let them have a laugh and a joke about it. We deserve to get the pish ripped out of us and it'll continue unless the board hold their hands up on this shambles of a mistake.
  10. Since we can get full crowds outdoors and hospitality, I wonder if the club have any plans for a supporters council meeting in the coming months. All very well the new investors meeting various fan groups that have connections to the club like the PST, Lifeline etc but that does nothing for the average punter. Most frustrating thing for me is we don't have a league game this weekend. A meaningless cup game at the other end of the country awaits. The boys could go out and win 10-0 but it counts for nothing. A big win and you'll have numpties saying we've turned a corner. Then brought back to reality in the league. Is it wrong to want an Elgin win on Saturday? I couldn't give a rats ass if we won this cup and it would push PG closer to the door. I've supported the Pars long enough, there's no way our current board are giving him the boot after the 3rd league game of the season.
  11. Arbroath were were really good. Nouble looks a player. Shame we didn’t interview Dick Campbell when he applied for the job in May.
  12. I’m sorry but Dunfermline’s current and new owners need to sit around the table tonight, come to terms with a mistake they’ve made, hold their hands up and change this. Fans have already lost interest and not going to the games and that’s after a year of sitting in the house. Waken the f*ck up.
  13. It’s rotten. Commentary is w**k as well. I know the guys probably a volunteer but just slavers crap. Gerry McCabe is sound though.
  14. Something came up last minute so taking up the opportunity to watch on PsrsTV with season ticket. It’s more exciting with fans being in, I hated watching the streams last season. Saying that, we’ve been torture and Arbroath should probably have had at least one penalty. I always feel quite bad singling our players, especially keepers but Mehmet is rotten. I’m not even sure the long range shot was on target and he’s made an arse of a diving save and parried it right into the strikers feet. Kennedy has been lively.
  15. Yes he is. You'd think we would have a better quality of centre half than Andy Graham but I'd be lying if I told you that was true. In all seriousness we do have players who can fit that playing out from the back gig but we're not very good at it just now.
  16. Could be wrong but I always thought there was some sort of deal in place that if a televised game had to be postponed/abandoned etc that the rearranged fixture would also be televised.
  17. Agreed. I had a feeling the away end at Raith could have been bad if we were losing badly and then lost. No disrespect to Arbroath but if we want to be challenging and be where Peter Grant expects us to be then tomorrow is a must win. In other news, steak bridies are back. Stephens kiosks will be open, happy days!
  18. Bridies are back tomorrow. 3 points and a bridie sounds splendid.
  19. PG's not been in charge for full games yet and already the majority of fans think he's utterly bonkers. Normally takes about 6 months to reach those levels.
  20. You seen some of the shite that ends up on our official site? Don't think the person knows what proofreading and the spellchecker is. It's such a weird piece because it sounds like he's talking about doing extra checks to make sure his physical and mental wellbeing is okay after being out for so long which is totally understandable, but you'd expect he'd be getting an MOT anyway being a professional footballer and all that. But then saying the recovery isn't a normal one is definitely odd and certainly gives the impression Lewis may have been out due to a heart problem. Fingers crossed that isn't the case. Then the final sentence is back to it sounding like a regular injury again. “We don’t know if someone has changed mentally or physically, maybe your heart rate changes in that period of time. You just need to be very careful. “Look at the case of Christian Eriksen when his heart rate got too quick — that’s just an example of why you must monitor everything the players do and make sure you are doing the right things, based on how they are responding to every type of training.” After such a long period of time out, this isn’t like recuperation from a hamstring or even a nine-month ACL injury and it is probable that it needs even more careful managing. The manager continued is update on the 25 year old:- “I have no doubt that he will come in after training and feel sore because we are working him harder than he has for a long time. And he’ll be wondering if that is normal or whether it’s a sign he isn’t 100 per cent.
  21. I recall being at a supporters council meeting one night and RM mentioned that we were due to be a stadium hosting the Woman's World Cup/European Championships and as a result we'd be getting new floodlights and a scoreboard. Potentially that's what I'm thinking of.
  22. Ah right, as long back as that. I must've dreamt that we'd had them updated a few years back. Cheers. Glad that is the case, our pylons are quite iconic for me.
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