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The Toun Clock

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Everything posted by The Toun Clock

  1. What's the score with our floodlights? We got new ones in recent years but they actually don't all work and now need completely redone?
  2. I know it was early in the game but hopefully we start with the same intensity as we did against the Rovers in Friday. God knows how we would have went on to play in that game but from the 13 mins we seen I was definitely happier than previous weeks. Arbroath have had a decent start but I fully expect us to take 3 points here. Dick will have his team organised and well drilled but we should be able to win this game, first normal game back with full amount of fans etc. Only issue is set pieces, I dread a corner or free kick within 10-20 yards of the box as we're brutal at defending them and from memory Arbroath have a few big lads.
  3. All that lovey dovey stuff saying I didn’t really hate Raith is over. Ruined weekend, total amateurs. We should get the points for this debacle.
  4. Happy to see some changes in personnel but how Graham is still in the 11 I’ll never know. OFW must be pish in training. Wanted Wighton to start with Toddy but at least some options from the bench.
  5. Correct. Maybe a step to far with Jones, but Gasputis and Breen have both played at this level before and could come in for MacDonald and Graham. Then we're looking at Comrie-Watson-Gasputis-Breen-Edwards which does fill me with a bit more confidence. That's what I find most bemusing, we've continued with the formation but haven't switched the personnel up given any of the other players that can play those positions a go.
  6. I'm worried that PG is going to remain loyal to those that have played and failed in the last few games. I don't care if we play the formation but freshen it up a wee bit. We have a Lithuanian international centre half on the bench alongside two new centre halfs and neither have had a kick yet. MacDonald has done nothing wrong but he needs to come out so that Comrie can go to right wing back. I'd be inclined to drop Graham, possibly Watson too and go with Breen, Gasputis, Jones then Edwards at left full back. Someone mentioned it somewhere but I'd honestly like to see MacDonald play in the middle of the park. Great engine, physical and loves a tackle. Try Paul Allan, we need more energy in there. Instead of playing 3 all out centre forwards why does he not try Wighton or Toddy with two of Dow, Thomas and Kennedy as the wide players. Get some balls into the box for them to go and attack. Absolute rambling of a mad man, where's my football manager disc?
  7. I really wasn't for PG when the rumours began but after his appointment and the way he spoke about the club I ever so slightly bought into it. League cup form was decent and the hype around the takeover was good and helped things but his recent comments following the Thistle and Rangers defeats have been mad. Over recent years we've had management involved who were likable or even ex players who the fans give time but there's no connection with PG. Another damaging defeat tonight and it could turn sour and quickly. The game we have next week is Arbroath who I'm not expecting to come and hump us 5-0 but could sit in, make it difficult and frustrate. Say we lost tonight and didn't get a goal before half time next week it would be boo central. Patience is wearing thin for most.
  8. That isn't too good. I was all for this but after watching the manner in which we rolled over last week I decided against it. Going to watch on the telly and if we win then egg on my face for not going and enjoying it but I honestly think we'll have another defeat, possibly quite a damaging one.
  9. Agree. I think there's a better story around Pars Vs Raith with us both being from Fife. Both of us in the Prem would be nice to see.
  10. Agreed. I'd have been angry if fans were at the 5-1 game but at least Raith actually played some good football that sometimes you just have to accept that the better team won. The 3-0 game was pretty even then we just absolutely chucked it. Looking back at the players we had in that team I'm not surprised, spineless charlatans.
  11. This was discussed on this thread back when it first appeared a few weeks back. For me Falkirk is a real hatred between both sets of fans and the Raith games are good local rivalries that I always look forward to. If I check the scores at 5pm on a Saturday and the Pars have won and Raith and Falkirk both lost them I'm pretty happy. Saying that, I dislike Falkirk all the time and I only really dislike Raith for a day or so before the game, the 90 mins and potentially the day after depending on results and fall out. Then it fades away until the next meeting. I wouldn't say it was older folks that get hyped for this. I'm 29 now and we've been playing Raith regularly in the league again since 2009 after nearly a decade apart, it's always been a big deal for me and my mates of a similar age. If Falkirk and Raith are in the league then that's the first two I'm looking for on the fixtures day.
  12. Petrie was never talked to by Dunfermline with regards to the job.
  13. I've decided against it today. Will watch it on the telly instead. We're absolutely sh*te and Raith aren't as sh*te as they thought they were going by yesterday's performance against Aberdeen. 3-0.
  14. I haven't really seen much of him before he joined us but know he is a talented player. Apart from a sub appearance in the cup and Morton away on the opening day he hasn't played. He done really well off the bench both times he played by all accounts. He wasn't in the squad Vs Thistle, I can only imagine due to injury and wasn't in the squad for Friday due to the loan agreement.
  15. Had a heavy night out on Saturday night so made the decision I was just going to take the car on Friday. Then watched Raith beat Aberdeen in the cup and decided I'd just make the most of it being on the BBC and watch it in the house. I don't think we'll lost 5-1 again but I don't think it'll be close either. Raith showed they didn't need the guys they are missing to beat a Prem team who've started really well. Hopefully Kai Kennedy is back for us after missing the Thistle and Rangers games.
  16. Worrying thing was that Graham was far from our worst defender last night. Watson looked like he’d never played football before, Comrie is being played as a centre half when he’s a full back, he doesn’t have height, he’s wasted there.
  17. In fairness he was far from the worst midfielder we had on the pitch yesterday but still not good enough for us. No. I’d never take a defeat in a derby to help get rid of a manager, in fact I’d never take a defeat from anyone. As much as I dislike managers at times I still always want us to win. Also, we could lose convincingly on Friday in Kirkcaldy and Grant’s job wouldn’t be in any danger. Remember the guys in charge kept AJ past his sell by date, and we’re going to have Stevie Crawford in charge again this year before he resigned.
  18. That was horrific. I fully expected a pasting but we were so so shite all over the pitch, if Rangers wanted it to be 10-0 then it could have been. It didn’t work against Partick Thistle at home so how the hell was it going to work against Rangers at Ibrox? Take the welcome cash and move on, tonight’s fixture won’t define our season. Huge game next week in the derby, we need a win, any win and we need it badly.
  19. What we all going for tonight then? I can't see past a 6+ goal thumping after last weeks performance. Stevie G will have his Rangers team out to make a statement and said he'll name a strong squad. I'd love to see a spirited performance from us, even if we were to lose, as long as we didn't just roll over but I can't see it.
  20. Big time. Well it's not confirmed yet but McGlynn said yesterday he was looking at 6 weeks out, although is seeing a specialist today. I don't know much about Spencer and Musonda but they seem to rate them so them missing is good.
  21. Pressure all goes on to next Friday night. First Fife derby with fans for a good while, televised game, two teams having had a bad start and now Raith have confirmed they will be without three key players in Vaughan, Spencer and Musonda. We need to go and win this game, simple as that.
  22. I notice PG's contract was never announced. Hopefully with the new people in the boardroom we've steered away from the 12 month rolling contract and also didn't offer anything silly like 2/3 years. He wants to win the league, he has been vocal about that. He should get until the end of the season to see if the objective is met but if not then it's time to move on. If we miss out by a point or two then you could see reason to offer another year but if we're out the running by Christmas then the situation will need to be addressed then. Don't get me wrong, I really want it to work under PG, I like the way he talks and he's an enthusiastic and passionate guy.
  23. Vaughan out for 6 weeks is a big blow for you guys but if we stick to the same back 5 then that lion you have could get on the scoresheet.
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