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Everything posted by Lurkst

  1. The next time we played Israel after that was on 11th October 2018. John Souttar becoming the most recent Scotland player to be red carded in a 2-1 defeat... The next time a manned launch failed after Challenger was on 11th October 2018. Happily both men survived the in flight abort of Soyuz MS-10. Fortunately for the sake of human space exploration the coincidence between these two events did not continue after that day.
  2. It's definitely not prostate cancer then?
  3. I do hope that's an intentional advert for Marty's upcoming tour. If so, it's a work of genius.
  4. They've waltzed over here to talk about minuets.
  5. Continuing the O/T chat, this was the first programme I bought at Hampden, for what was actually Northern Ireland's home game...
  6. That one didn't seem as early with it being in the winter. 1994 was the last non floodlit final.
  7. Average matches held by stadiums per country:- USA 7.1 games / stadium Canada 6.5 Mexico 4.3 Seems a bit rough on the Mexicans but they have got to host it twice already.
  8. Eck's tour of state sponsored propaganda channels continues.... https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c51d8v7zz3zo.amp
  9. I'd be more worried about the threat to devolution.
  10. Yip. Yeardle Zero must've been its version of the Millennium Bug.
  11. Noticed the Abolish Holyrood Loyal made it a night out from the ludge
  12. I actually guessed your spoiler before coming on here. Should they have saved it for April 1st? #Yeardle #680 https://histordle.com/yeardle/
  13. Could be worse, they could be subjected to Goebbels type propaganda.
  14. It was a "run-in" in my part of Ayrshire back in the day.
  15. On my street in PA1 the homeowners are responsible for the pavement in front of their house, so presumably that gives us the right to park as many vehicles as can be fitted on it?
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