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Everything posted by Lurkst

  1. Noticed the Abolish Holyrood Loyal made it a night out from the ludge
  2. I actually guessed your spoiler before coming on here. Should they have saved it for April 1st? #Yeardle #680 https://histordle.com/yeardle/
  3. Could be worse, they could be subjected to Goebbels type propaganda.
  4. It was a "run-in" in my part of Ayrshire back in the day.
  5. On my street in PA1 the homeowners are responsible for the pavement in front of their house, so presumably that gives us the right to park as many vehicles as can be fitted on it?
  6. I expect their audience make up rules would be redrafted in that case.
  7. What's not to love about a Carol Vorderman video...
  8. According to Calum it's due to the Foehn Effect... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-68119951
  9. Very much force of habit if I'm left in front of the telly on a Thursday night. Definitely don't go out of my way to watch it. Although next week it's in Glasgow, I might tune in to see if Staunch Billy makes another appearance.
  10. The stock image I posted is out of date, it's actually Macsween's haggis they use now. So anyone that's just eaten a Cosmo's pizza topped with Simon Howie haggis will be spending at least one night on the toilet.
  11. I had it on in the background, I must be a part time psycho If the last 5 minutes were replicated more often it might be a better watch... https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001vnmf/question-time-2024-25012024
  12. Pizza Thursday compromise at ma bit...
  13. Usually accompanied by a shout of "it's okay he's really friendly", from about 100 yards away.
  14. #Yeardle #673 #gimmedirection https://histordle.com/yeardle/ Streak goes to 75. Try to avoid using gimmedirection but it was essential there!
  15. I've driven in Germany quite a bit and a few things have caught me out in the past. If you're driving in town and approaching an unmarked crossroads, you must give way to traffic coming from the right, even if you appear to be on the main road. If you see the below sign on the road you are driving on at the junction then you have priority... Further explained here... https://routetogermany.com/drivingingermany/right-of-way It's illegal to park on the wrong side of the road facing the traffic. If you see a space on the other side of the road you must do a U-turn and come back the other way. Never wave at someone to acknowledge them giving way to you, they'll think you're a weirdo. And especially don't flash your lights at them or you'll cause an international incident. That action is reserved for emergencies. Also the roads tend not to have cat's eyes which I find makes driving at night or in bad weather more difficult. And finally, from personal experience, be careful if you're driving a hire car with French plates on the autobahn, German truckers will see you as fair game to ram off the road
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