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Oscar Wilder

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Everything posted by Oscar Wilder

  1. Fear leads to Panic Panic leads to Pain Pain leads to Anger Anger leads to Hate!! Honestly no fussed what Darvel do, but they've certainly put a big target on their back, when things eventually do start!! [emoji6]
  2. If aw you think Biffys bad, wouldn't like to hear your views on Twin Atlantic!! [emoji4]
  3. Bought tckts for Fontaines DC next year but can't see me buying for anything else just now! Think gigs as we know them could be a thing of the past, just can't imagine 2000 sweaty punters, singing an dancing, chucking beer about, will be allowed for a while, unless a vaccine is found! I sincerely hope I'm wrong and things improve soon but just can't see it! Was meant to be at Rebellion at Blackpool this weekend too!...... Ah well!
  4. Ha Ha, Aye Johnny & Hanoi, were great! Never saw the Godfathers there but did see them at the Hunting Lodge in Kilmarnock one Sunday night, only gig I've ever known to be on there!! [emoji4]
  5. The Stranglers /The Skids, 26th May 1978!! Started off in the upper circle and ended up in the stalls and then on the stage, when it got invaded!! Absolutely brilliant gig!! [emoji4]
  6. Have been a subscriber for over 20 years! That's Sounds, Record Mirror, NME, Melody Maker, Vox, and Select all gone, magazines i regularly bought! Only got Vive Le Rock left!! [emoji19]
  7. I agree with a lot of his points as well, but we're probably not allowed to admit it!! [emoji4]
  8. See they've got a 5 year Adidas strip deal sorted too! [emoji106]
  9. Forgive my ignorance of your musical tastes SH,but who exactly do you like? I love Bodega as well but obviously, I'm on a different page from you regarding bands, not that there's anything wrong with that, each to their own and all that?
  10. [emoji16]Don't think I'll meet you at many gigs, whenever that may be!! Only saw them once, but again enjoyed them! [emoji4]
  11. All about opinions i suppose, needless to say i disagree with you, only saw them a couple of times live but really enjoyed them! Been listening to a few of the Glasgow bands, Baby Strange, Heavy Rapids, Rascalton, Dunts etc, and enjoying them all!
  12. Think you'll find Glenafton have a pretty decent record against Talbot over the last few seasons!!
  13. Got the Dunts album i preordered in March in yesterday, a compilation of all they've done so far, and i love it! [emoji106]
  14. Glenafton have announced that Ally Park has left to join his mate Butch at Beith! Good luck to Ally at his new club and I'm sure he will always be made welcome on his return to Loch Park!
  15. Barrowland and The Apollo were where most of my favourite gigs have been from 78 till present! Used to quite like NiteMoves /Rooftops back in the day (Johnny Thunders was especially good) and enjoyed gigs at the Garage and Tuts too. Least favourites are /were, the ABC and the Academy!!
  16. Can assure you no sour grapes! Yer more than welcome to him! Mibee play in front o 26 at toonheid then!!!
  17. I would think a number of A T fans might disagree with you Jim! Just my opinion like.
  18. Heard your team taking one of our team!![emoji848]
  19. That'll be Kilwinning, Clydebank and the Glens some Talbot fans are boycotting now, they certainly like their boycotts!!!
  20. Not a film, but just got the triple album vinyl soundtrack of Peaky Blinders and it's probably one of the best I've heard, well worth a listen!
  21. Yes, managed Glenafton, before playing for Talbot!
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