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Melanius Mullarkey

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Everything posted by Melanius Mullarkey

  1. Who has the haircut to post a picture of their baws?
  2. Bingo. Premier Inn’s finest fixtures and fittings.
  3. You won’t need luck. Just drink and occasionally drugs.
  4. See also folk who guess then effectively say “I can’t be arsed, someone else go” (3 months minimum).
  5. @Rugster can we have a temporary ban (eg 6 weeks) for folk who put blurry photos up please?
  6. Wonder if this is true for the other perks as well?
  7. Ive been wanting to get my lugs syringed for some time now. Do you need to ask a Doctor or is there some kind of back street network that does it?
  8. Bee hive glory hole. Four words I've only overheard once at the British Beekeepers Association Conference (1997).
  9. Sair yin. Used to do India a fair bit in the 2000s when all domestic airports were dry. Fucking nightmare.
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