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Melanius Mullarkey

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Everything posted by Melanius Mullarkey

  1. I will be in Kilmarnock around Tea time on Friday. Any suggestions for a decent scran, beer (no Tennents shite) for me, 8 year old bairn and a 46 year old raging alky wifie.
  2. Taps aff in Oban yesterday and taps aff in Dundee today.
  3. For the past couple of years, the various Dundee nightclub facebook pages have been full of normal looking punters. Having lived in Dundee for nearly 20 years, i know there is another class of punter who were obviously kettled into the Deja Vu nightclub. Since that closed, they've obviously been driven underground.....to Rewind.
  4. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
  5. They would have still probably filed a complaint if the guy had come in and chopped them both up to death.
  6. Aye very good by team so you support? (from a Portugal, Man U, Liverpool, Chelsea, Scunthorpe, Tranmere And Strathspey Thistle fan)
  7. Oh yes it is your right a lot. But a Johnny bag wrapper it is, not.
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