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Melanius Mullarkey

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Everything posted by Melanius Mullarkey

  1. Yes. I believe I was on the West Coast
  2. Was taps aff down the Clyde Riviera earlier.
  3. He red dotted me yesterday for some innocuaous hilarity so he’s obviously lurking. Hiya Jamesy.
  4. Quite a few bull finches and gold finches appeared recently. On the advice of this thread I got a Niger seed feeder and the gold finches have royally fucked off. Fussy wee c***s.
  5. I’m still recovering from throbbers PM tbh.
  6. I reckon it will be nearer 400 for Paris St Munchen or Real Barceventus myself.
  7. Are you allowed near schools? I’ve got a decent pair of binoculars (10x50s, Carl Zeiss Jena lens)
  8. Piss ups and fighting in pub car parks. Whats not British about that?
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