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Melanius Mullarkey

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Everything posted by Melanius Mullarkey

  1. Scraping crumby butter back into the Lurpak whilst lighting a fag off the cooker. Why oh fucking why?
  2. Just logged on see if there's an update from @DA Baracus
  3. I'll be deid in 40 odd years so no fucks given here. ETA. They never said the impact had to be positive.
  4. Was at an awards ceremony yesterday in Edinburgh and won an award for my work which has apparently has had social and environmental impact.
  5. Still domestically undefeated at home tho. So that’s good.
  6. 'Flossing' the shit from his wrinkly auld arse? Admit it. You stole that line from Martin Luther King's first draft of his "I have a dream speech" didn't you?
  7. They were never the same after Johnny Rotten left to join the Sex Pistols.
  8. Can’t believe there are troglodytes who still don’t control their central heating via their phones. Wierdos.
  9. I still often dream of pulling on the famous blue shirt of Glasgow Rangers. Mind you Im 45 now. Sadly, it will never happen.
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