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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Aye, the good lady. She did most of the talking I think (as per usual). Give me a shout if you fancy a pint in cargo or wherever sometime. I don't really know much of the pubs up fountainbridge.
  2. Nice boat sir, and good to meet you as well
  3. Weather permitting for my walk, by the look of the sky.
  4. I'm going for a walk along the towpath later today, I'll give you a wave sjc
  5. Leave her alone. At the end of the day, that's someone's son.
  6. Exactly. I dont always have my debit card when paying for petrol.
  7. The folk having a go at the players for having the cheek to go on holiday - have a word with yourselves eh?? Did you expect them to sit there and think "oh, the supporters think we don't deserve a holiday, we better cancel it"? Yep, cos if I had a bad day at work and upset a customer I'd feel It would be right if they said I shouldn't go on holiday. Aye fucking right. The season is over, the players are well within their rights to take a break. Back to the Murray debate - I'm all for giving the guy a chance. I'll stick my neck on the line here - I've only been to TWO games all season, but that's been due to other commitments, and I'll admit, I've been following the flyers more out of the two. I think that Murray will make wholesale changes in the summer. He surely has to realise that the onous (sp) will be on him to turn it around after the second half of the season collapse. If the board can increase the budget on the basis of the larger gates for some games next season, then that will go a long way in terms of improvements to the playing squad. And with rangers in the league, hopefully a bit of TV revenue will come our way as well. Onwards and upwards.
  8. This photo I took yesterday. The wifes iphone has loads of options for photos, but the black and white was the preferred option. I'm actually thinking of getting this printed off and framed. Ive got a cracking shot of dens park as well.
  9. The after-effects of eating nearly a whole box of whisky liquers. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
  10. Currently enjoying a scotch pie from Scotts the butchers in broughty ferry. Lovely.
  11. Troll the f**k out of this peeps. I've already started.
  12. Cracking deal on here, 2nd one down.
  13. Got a kilo and a half of mini chicken fillets for just over a tenner. And £2.86 for a whole stick of black pudding was even better. 47p for 24 tattie scones was my favourite purchase. I could eat those things all day.
  14. Costco. Got my membership on Friday and we've been up 3 times since. The cafe is the best bit. The hotdogs are ace.
  15. I've went from a 38" waist to a 32" waist in just under a year. Well chuffed with that.
  16. The wife choosing to to the busiest checkout in tesco, purely because she knows the person working on it.
  17. Spot the mistake. Being in yorkshire, surely that should have read "up t'ladder"
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