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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Had my works night out and felt like shit. I really dont know what's wrong with me just now. I'm feeling great one minute, shit the next. I had a blazing row with the wife when I got in resulting in me very nearly trashing the bedroom and breaking a few things. Finances are dire just now, which probably isn't helping.
  2. Some noisy woman behind me on the bus is eating an apple very loudly. Bitch, please.
  3. You are the one with the bad attitude. You sound like the kind of fuckwit that gets talked over in the pub because no c**t wants to listen to you.
  4. Seriously jock, give it a rest. It's getting a bit tiresome now.
  5. Can I have a read after you're finished with it??
  6. Someone on gumtree is giving away a corby trouser press, i'm tempted to take it and dismantle it, just like partridge.
  7. Jock's an old firm fan. He was probably beating his wife when it happened.
  8. Jock, until anything has been proven, I suggest you pop into the kitchen and pour yourself a big glass of shut the f**k up juice.
  9. Been feeling a bit down about a few things of late. Don't think this time of year helps to be honest. Just been thinking about family members who have passed away over the years, and how much I miss the wee things that the families used to do at Xmas time in particular. It's been hard for the wife as well, she lost her dad on Boxing Day 12 years ago, on his 76th birthday, god rest his soul. My father in law, whom I sadly never met. On the flipside, I'm hoping to get a foot on the ladder with regards to a career in the railway industry at the start of the year. I was outside at work the other day lugging timber about in the pissing rain, thinking to myself "is this REALLY what I want to be doing the rest of my days"?? Onwards and upwards, hopefully. If anyone of the guys in Edinburgh on here ever fancy a pint and a blether about their troubles at all give me a shout. I may come across as a bit of an arse on here at times, but I'm a good listener.
  10. You must do, if you feel the need to comment on it.
  11. Yep. I said exactly the same about the father and daughter that were interviewed on sky yesterday. Its painful for them, yes, but let the emergency services do their jobs.
  12. Can't help but feel for the father and daughter that just got interviewed on sky news, but was it a tad unfair of them to be critical of the emergency services regarding the communications and recovery efforts?? Basically the father's words were along the lines of "suspend the chopper using a crane and pull the walls down" whilst claiming that the authorities were more worried about getting what they could of the fuselage out in one piece for the sake of the investigation. I'd probably suffer the same frustrations if I was in their position, but they need to get the wreckage out in the safest way possible, I know it doesn't seem possible, but what IF there are still survivors trapped in there?? It's a tricky one...
  13. I don't know if anyone else has heard about this, but according to something I saw on a friend's FBI page, a lot of pubs are holding a minute's silence at 10.25 pm tonight.
  14. To the idiots trying to point score by bringing politics into it - please shut the f**k up. I don't think many people are too bothered about that kind Of shit right now.
  15. That poor lad that's waiting on news regarding his old man. I'm quite a tough cookie, but I had a wee tear in my eye when he was on the telly.
  16. Done, but with Cumberland sausage instead of Lorne. Will let you know how they go, cheers!
  17. Nice to see some religious mob using this is a some low-order form of point scoring.
  18. Turns out it was a guy with links to gangland stuff had bullets fired at his house at ratho station. He's also one of our customers.
  19. Tell me about it. Hour and a half from portobello to Broxburn to take One of our drivers to pick his truck up, then an another hour and a half to get back to portobello again. Mind you, I was getting paid for it.
  20. It was Matt, it was. All I done was dry rub it with some onion salt and spices, bunged it in teh slow cooker, covered it with BBQ sauce, put it on at 7am, and by 5.30 pm it was falling to pieces.
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