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Everything posted by philpy

  1. If I get ripped for posting this then so be it, but this was me last year before the weight loss. Completely disgusted when I saw this photo.
  2. That's me went from 15st 1/2lb to 12st 12.5lbs since febuary. Delighted with that, and well on course to reach my target weight of 11st by November. Being doing a lot of bike, treadmill, rowing machine and cross-trainer work at the gym, which has helped a great deal.
  3. Can I just ask Iain, what website quoted you the train journey price??
  4. Hold on, correct me if I'm wrong, if Matty started the thread, doesn't he have the options regarding opening and closing it??
  5. 3 mobile. They have tried to contact me umpteen times this week, firstly offering me an iPhone 5 on an additional contract for myself or family for £31 a month, then again for an iPad Mini for £20 a month. I'm halfway through a 2 year contract stuck with a Shitty iPhone 3 that i hate, but they won't change it for another handset, but they want another 51quid a month out of me?? No chance.
  6. Thanks mate. Feeling good for it. Wish I'd done it ages ago, but I'm just glad to be where I've got to thus far.
  7. I've lost 2 stone in weight and went from a 38 waist to a 34 waist. Very happy man tonight.
  8. Yeh, only cos the last time they did it they damaged the heating vent on the side of the house. Anyways, they all play at the community centre now.
  9. I love that toffee apple cider. Dossness in a bottle.
  10. One of the neighbours shouted at some of the kids last night.... For being too noisy. At 8.30 p.m. One of the mothers soon put the old c**t in his place. Did the old sconehunter never get out the house when he was little??
  11. At least I don't live a damp stained Glasgow bedsit with cockroaches for pals and pretend to talk to a burd that's actually my own alias. Never mind son, you can get lessons and advice on getting to the top of the food chain, or in your case, the food bank.
  12. Getting there in terms of fitness. Been spending most of my gym time on the spin bike, done 15km in 20 minutes yesterday, legs are sore but feeling stronger.
  13. I heard she gave birth to wee Chantelle Henrik mgGeady jinky Lennon paradise when she was in.
  14. Concerned about the car. It's taking ages to get up hills, I've had the pedal to the metal so to speak, but it won't seem to go past 40mph. Going downhill however, no problems, speeds up as normal. I'm taking it to the garage on Monday, but if anyone's got an idea of what the issue could be, let me know before Monday to save me collapsing when I hear what it could cost me.
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