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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Due to raith playing rangers tommorow, the town centre will be awash with bigoted drunken morons belting out the sash and other secretarian chart toppers
  2. After being down £87 and having one winner all week, it's safe to say im sticking to footy coupons.
  3. At least you can go to work and run around, i've got an extremely swollen ankle and foot
  4. I plumped for a tenner on LITHAAM @ 25/1 on the 5.25 yarmouth. I noticed that the owner is the same one that has oh so saucy, so i went with my instinct.
  5. cheers cabbage, £4 on returned £27 any (quick!) tips for the 5.25 at yarmouth?
  6. My msn has been down since friday, i need to check my e-mails and make some payments, but i have to use the virgin media homepage which wont let me into secure sites
  7. Last monday i went over on my ankle at work. Today i did it again. Doh.
  8. Polish first bus drivers in edinburgh. You don't have to drive like maniacs through the city centre you muppets, it's not a fuckin remake of speed
  9. Finally got round to walking up arthur's seat today, i was knacked by the time i got to the top, but it was worth it for the views alone. I'l put some pics up when i find the bloody usb cable for my camera.
  10. My first day back at work after a week's holiday has resulted in strained ankle ligaments. I fucking hate being off work, i feel useless.
  11. The new DFS adverts. We hear that awful nickelback song and see the shit video enough as it is.
  12. I had £2 on "lovelace" at 33/1 at the 2.40 at sandown on saturday, i only got £58 back instead of £67 due to "rule 4", can someone please explain what rule 4 is?
  13. Set the fucker on fire and inhale the fumes from the plastic?
  14. Dave, get her told! she's not your keeper, its up to you if you want to go to the pub! me and my missus have an understanding that if either me or her want to go the pub or go out with friends then neither of us should have a problem with it. Folk who are at the beck and call of their other half should be fuckin shot.
  15. I share your pain lad. I'm choked up, breathing out of my arse (makes a change from talking out if it) and sneezing everywhere. Tried nasal spray, paracetamol, and lockets, but to no avail. I fear i may have bad aids
  16. Had £1 on kingsgate native at 40/1 yesterday. Decent wee profit.
  17. Maybe in the house or whatever, but it's not necessary whilst driving.
  18. Im guessing it was a ned with his music blaring. I really dont understand why folk need to have music blasting out of their cars at all, they are sitting right next to the fuckin speakers after all.
  19. Hayfever. I've been sneezing and blowing my nose to the point that i've had two nosebleeds today
  20. f**k that, pull them up about it! at the end of the day you paid for the stuff, so why should they help themselves?
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