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Everything posted by philpy

  1. I get annoyed because I care . My concerns are the vulnerable people that have to shield, I worry about the impact things have on people such as your good lady, and I've also got a neighbour and also a good friend both of who have been recently diagnosed with cancer. The idiots who treat shopping as a family day out are Just fucking thoughtless idiots.
  2. Was he yet another PB alias?? Marshy, have a good new year. The red dots are growing on me.
  3. Tell your bosses to keep an eye on stores being overcrowded. Cheers.
  4. Cross borders stuff is lovely. They do a lovely 80% as well. Only about 5 miles away from me as well, very handy!
  5. I read that as "socks" at first. BRB, away to book an eye test ..
  6. Always believe in your soul, they won't get the virus you know, they're indestructible
  7. They'll probably put the vaccine In wanky hipster glass then charge you £8 for it.
  8. Yep. Families clogging up the aisles blethering to other families for a start.
  9. Supermarkets absolutely rammed again today. Not be long till folk are queuing outside again at this rate...
  10. It's enough to drive you round the bend eh?? I asked my wife, chicane'd about it already.
  11. A 16 year old laddie keeping a clean sheet?!? ,
  12. The wife is a domestic at 2 schools in the area, and both schools have had confirmed cases, but she is never told which classes or years the cases have been in. A lot of the pupils can be passing her in the corridors as she is going into clean classrooms after they exit, so surely she should be a bit more privvy to any information??
  13. Possibly back to furlough for me then. The sites were all shut back in march, but some of the branches were kept open, as staff were asked to state whether they wanted to work or go on furlough. Only 2 of us from the 8 staff in the branch (including me) wanted to continue under limited duties, but we ended up on furlough.
  14. Scammers trying to catch me out with the "one ring" scam. Everyday they try, you block the number but they call you from different numbers..
  15. Invite Michael Barrymore and see what happens....
  16. Looks good, had a cheeseboard the other day, washed down with some port. Had a bit of stilton in a gift box that we got at Xmas but gave it to my neighbour, I find stilton a bit overpowering.
  17. Have a look on the regatta site, plenty of good stuff in the sale
  18. Stewart brewing "cauld reekie", followed by a few Morgan's and vanilla coke zero
  19. One of our friends was at Edinburgh zoo today, you can't get in unless you can prove you live in Edinburgh. Apparently they were turning away people that had travelled from south of the border...
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