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Everything posted by philpy

  1. I saw a guy bagging his dog's shite up and launching it into the long grass last week, right in front of his wee kid. Aye, great example to set...
  2. Aldi's "stackers" (own version of pringles). Disappointing, especially the salt and vinegar ones.
  3. We all knew this would happen. Public transport completely rammed with everyone leaving the pubs at the same time. Tonight will see a few house gatherings I reckon, the josh Taylor fight is on.
  4. I'm assuming they're used in places like Brewdog etc. where some of the beers on sale are rocket fuel to the extent they're not permitted to sell them in pints? You might be right. A brewery in Dalkeith has a 9.4% lager on, only available in 1/2 pints or 1ltr growers.
  5. Some complete and utter trumpet walking around Aldi last night with his mask pulled down to his chin.
  6. Right.... So, my work colleague will now have to sit on a packed bus full of strangers, but he can't get a lift in from me now??
  7. Someone selling a nikon d5000 18-55vr kit on Facebook. Im just waiting on the guy getting back with an asking price.
  8. Well, these possible new restrictions are doing f**k all for my heightening anxiety..... I'm wondering what the fucking point is anymore...
  10. How could I grass someone up if I don't even know where they are going. You facking muppets.
  11. Young lad from my work says he will more than likely end up at a couple of house parties this weekend. And before the likes of vergingBore start their pish, no I won't be grassing him up
  12. We are meant to be going to Keswick for 3 nights at the end of next month, can see that possibly having to be cancelled maybe. We've got until a week before we go to cancel for free, so at least it won't cost us anything.
  13. Tell me about it. My balls were like toffee apples by lunchtime.
  14. Was in Grangemouth on Monday, and noticed a road called "ice house brae". How did such a name come about??
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