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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-55651518 This story re immunity for "months" is doing the rounds this morning. MSM seem determined to give it a bit of a 'bad news' spin with the "you could still get it again", but on the whole its surely a positive story. Couple of things though - they say it gives you protection for at least 5 months. But the study itself only lasted 5 months, so it could of course actually be significantly longer (it may not of course, but we just don't know). Also it was conducted from June - Nov when numbers, particularly in the early part of that timeframe were pretty small. Looks like to me there's been a hell of a lot of 'protection' been built up the last few weeks.
  2. Saw that too - was wanting a read of it, only for a 404 error.
  3. That will not be the measure. In will be deaths and hospitalizations falling to X will mean Y and Z can re-open. Perhaps. But bottom line, loosely speaking, there will presumably be a formula of sorts which should lead to things opening up again (Granted at this particular time, I can see the logic in the SG keeping it 'under-wraps', but presumably its being discussed behind the scenes?
  4. I can confirm that is the case (certainly in Falkirk's case) . My wife has signed up.
  5. Comes as news to me. I thought any changes to the restrictions were being announced today.
  6. Thank you - I figured there would be some reason to it
  7. 871 people have been vaccinated and its unknown what health board they belong to. What on earth is going on there?
  8. That's purely financial I suspect that those are still operating. Obviously those interactions ceasing would help break transmission chains. Hence my dumbfoundedness (if that's a word)
  9. You think picking up curtains at Argos is more essential than food processing or manufacturing, is that for real ? Whit? No. Owing to the large amount of people it employs, I think construction (of the building of new houses / flats etc) should be stopped. This in turn would stop the manufacturing of the goods that feeds that industry. All of which would result in thousands sitting in the house on furlough rather than their place of work. I think this would have a higher impact on the infection rate than stopping folk picking up a pair of curtains from Argos. You seem to think otherwise.
  10. Dumbfounded that they are attempting to minimise indoors interactions in non essential circumstances ??? Dumfounded they're allowing vast swathes of workers to continue to work (often in fairly close proximity,) in factories and the like, but instead preferring to focus on folk picking up a pair of curtains from Argos
  11. Actually dumbfouded that construction and manufacturing, and the thousands of people (a large percentage of who can't WFH) it employs, carries on. Really quite bizarre to instead focus on people Click and Collecting from Argos and having takeaway pints. How many of the infections over the past few weeks are actually attibuted to this stuff. Can only be a handful at best
  12. If NS thinks those changes will have any effect on the infection rate she's living in cloud cukoo land.
  13. Let me get this straight. There's currently 365,000 vaccines currently, for want of a better word, 'in stock'. Yet yesterday we only innoculated 16,000?
  14. JF saying 24 hour vaccinations "entirely possible". And this could be end of Feb / beginning of March. This needs to happen. Demand from the public is there for it, and if its "entirely possible" there really can be no excuses.
  15. Thank you - this is what I was after yesterday, and although I don't understand a word of it, I see graphs with downward trajectories which can only be a good thing. The next thing with Israel will be to see how quick, and to what extent, they ease restrictions.
  16. Yep. Beginning to feel like SG's 'Cautious Approach' is being applied to vaccinations
  17. I think you're right (sadly). Restrictions (particularly travel) will be in place for the duration of 2021 I'm sure. (I predicted this a few months ago in actual fact - hand on heart, I really hope to be proven wrong, but it's not looking good just now)
  18. I'm not sure that would be wise to be honest
  19. It's like going to a pub (when you could do such a thing) and seeing the fridge with six beers in it - You asking for a beer and being told "No, we need to save them for tomorrow so we don't run out"
  20. I disagree. When vaccine arrives, power through it at a rate of knots. If that means running out of vaccine for a period (granted it won't be a good look) so be it. You're advocating willfully allowing people to go un-vaccinated for a couple of weeks, just as a means of ensuring supply remains constant. Easing off the pace for any reason, to my mind, as well as sending out the wrong signals, seems illogical
  21. This is why I flagged up Israel earlier. For several reasons they're leading the way on the vaccine front, which must therefore at some point (maybe even by now) translate into big drops in infections / hospitalisations / deaths, so it would be interesting to keep an eye on their numbers. Ultimately we're following their path, and their numbers were plummet, you'd expect ours to do simliar in time. Upon that basis SG could begin to start eyeing up easing of restrcitions - if SG really wanted to Unfortunately Travelling Trabby has yet to branch out into Middle East charts and graphs
  22. Disheartening to see a lot of the Scottish newspapers lead with stories of our 'sluggish' roll out of the vaccine, and that we're beginning to lag behind the rest of the UK. I know some of these rags have agendas, but they can't all be wrong. Also from Jeane Freeman's infamous 1 million by the end of Jan, which last week became Nicola Sturgeon's 900k; I'm now seeing the health secretary quoting 560k by the end of the month. I and a few others on this thread saw the warning signs several weeks ago, but were batted away and accused of worrying about something that hadn't happened yet. The warning signs are there, and Scotland should be getting angry. Pressure should be heaped on the government to ensure its rolled out as rapidly as can be. On a similar vein, I saw the story on Sky News this morning re the vaccine roll out in Israel. Again, I know there's some stuff about Palestine and what have you, but whatever way you look at it, they're powering through their roll out. Presumably this must begin to reflect in their daily infection / hospitalisation / death numbers - anyone seen anything on this?
  23. Didn't catch all of today's briefing. What I did see seemed to focus largely on Celtic. Would I be right in saying that it was never touched on about strengthening the current restrictions further? After the jungle drums had beat about it for the past few days, I fully expected it to at least get a mention of some sort.
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