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Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Everything posted by Inanimate Carbon Rod

  1. Went to see Mamma Mia here we go again with the Mrs at odeon lux today, must say as much as it was cheesey shite I quite enjoyed it. Saw the trailer for the queen biopic, f**k that looks good!!
  2. Im really keen to get back and explore Brooklyn, in particular the pizza joints over there which I to my disappointment didnt realise were so plentiful (i mean good ones like on ‘the pizza show’, im aware of the abundance of pizza places!) and so good.
  3. Id rather EU membership but overall that may truly give the ‘best of both worlds’ we could have a free trade bilateral agreement with England/UK and free trade/movement etc with the EU, we’d be mad not to see that as a better option than staying in the UK post brexit/WTO.
  4. The way round this is for an indy Scotland to go for EEA admission we have trade with the EU and our own bilateral agreement with them down there, which might actually be beneficial to Scotland. Perhaps though the EU would allow Eng-Sco movement of trade as a way of allowing Scotland to join and make it as frictionless as possible, despite the efforts of the pro brexit brigade to discredit the EU they really would be reasonable, particularly with us as we actually have resources they want unlike England.
  5. See guys like ‘Loki’ and Jane Godley, all these wankers who put on accents and try and prove just how salt of the earth they are, reality is they’re all just luvvy arseholes who don’t have a clue. They constantly remind us just how ‘real’ they are but its all just a front to try and legitimise their own delusion. I fucking cringe when these fannies appear on tv as if they’re speaking for me as some kind of champion of the disenfranchised before they skip along to the fringe festival and talk about just how ‘random’ everything is. This is the problem I have with the far left in Scotland, its made up of arseholes who don’t know what it’s like to suffer at the hands of these tory c***s, the grants keep flying in for all their wee twee art projects and Godley lives off her ‘trumps a c**t’ sign forever, Cat boyd who can’t even be bothered to vote(i mean how is that any different to that tory w****r who did the same thing??), Johnathan Shafi (whom I was at uni with) has his rich upbringing, all these people have absolutely tainted the left and no wonder its so off putting to so many.
  6. DUP guys largely because ‘Staunch’ and ‘Rangers’.
  7. I hope that c**t fucks up the final chase and its his fault they lose. Utter scumbag behaviour after that boy got the £30k!
  8. Hoping for him to say something monumentally stupid at the start of september before I visit, our arseholes are dragging the pound down and uncle donny’s the only guy who can save my spending money.
  9. Quite a lot of folks do take holiday insurance just seems the companies will do anything to get out of paying out sometimes.
  10. Really glad you enjoyed the MiLB, im a huge fan of going to minor league games, so far been to Round Rock Express in Texas and Nashville sounds in Tenn and then to the florida single A league, fire frogs and Tampa yankees, its good eh? I wish there was a bit less of the forced atmosphere and there was a bit of singing like at a football match but thats not the american way!lol. Hope you get to the mariners game, should be fun!
  11. Surprised a scumdrie utd fan actually knew what Heraldic law is. However id have dingied it because im a republican.
  12. What did they do? Sorry never heard of this before? Airdrie Utd and its fans are a shower of shite.
  13. Its one of these half truths, the Lion Rampant is apparently only allowed to be flown with the permission of the queen as it’s a royal standard etc, the reality of it is that its an archaic point of order and in no way an actual crime. I think your friend was just mixed up.
  14. Another one, why do people who profess to be such avid acolytes of Protestantism call themselves Prodestants? You’d think being so ‘staunch’ they’d be able to spell it.
  15. No i mostly wear 1s, but have 3’s and a few of the random ones!
  16. Could anyone see an outcome that wasn’t hard brexit coming from all this? Perhaps if we had people who weren’t monumental fucking morons negotiating then we’d have a chance of a norway style deal (but whats the actual point of paying the same losing control/influence anyway?) but that these fannies are so cocksure because of ole blighty that we are somehow entitled to a deal? Wtf? Why aren’t people asking questions about this? Is there honestly anyone with a braincell arguing that brexit will be a good thing now?
  17. No i collect Jordans too. The 3 in white is awesome. Theres quite a lot of really great colour ranges coming out over the next wee while. Hoping to get these
  18. Sorry but why wouldnt you give them a flash or beep the horn, both are used to indicate a hazard so I fail to see why you were worried the police would have an issue with it?
  19. The road hole being a world renowned excellent golf hole, thus disproving his point.
  20. He was the head of the FSS and a senior officer in the KGB.
  21. American health care lobbyist firms are now actively donating to Tory politicians. The BBC are now also putting these lobbyists on as if they are heathcare experts. The BBC is essentially normalising these people. Its fucking frightening that people don’t see this
  22. Willy, just out of interest, what do you do for a living? Not asking you to tell us where exactly just what your job title is or what field etc?
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