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Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Everything posted by Inanimate Carbon Rod

  1. Its absolutely mental that Darvel are being allowed to skip this weekend. The good thing is clubs like Darvel and the others who skipped games for stag dos and going to ayr races can be left to do so in the junior game and the other clubs can go on and run things properly.
  2. Funnily enough the only club who are actually giving 1 years notice. I dont see what ‘trap’ they could spring as I assume clubs admitted to the EOSL are not going to attend the sjfa agm. As has already been said theres no way any club can be forced to give 1 years notice and even if there was they could play in both.
  3. Was that the response level for joining at level 5 of the pyramid or just joining it in general?
  4. Whats to stop any club being forced to give notice playing in both set ups and fielding a reserve team in the juniors (or an under tens team) and joining the EOSL as a ‘new club’. If he wants to act the arse about it the clubs can just make a mockery of him.
  5. Higher prices for both domestic and importer goods, higher unemployment with job losses caused by brexit, poorer quality care in hospitals where foreign doctors and nurses are leaving in their droves. But besides that sounds like a good laugh.
  6. Theres no fucking way that c**t should be allowed to resign. He should be made to stay and finish his dinner like the daft wee boy he is. The p***k didnt even know what the EU actually did when he was campaigning for brexit, he genuinely had to be briefed by civil servants after brexit on the EU institutions. f**k him and everyone who voted for it.
  7. Anyone following the draft? 5 guys from the college I support (not a D-1) have been drafted! Amazing to watch these guys from freshman year to being drafted!
  8. I believe it was ‘The Rangers’ who won that cup which is a fantastic achievement for such a new club.
  9. Id disagree with you re ridicule as I believe the criticism is completely warranted but I wholeheartedly agree with you that only junior clubs should participate in the junior cup.
  10. But what about the rich history of the Challenge Cup?
  11. He should have got that for the teabagging story and another 5 for the conspiracy theory pish.
  12. Personal attacks?lol. I teased Killipieyo for throwing the milk and honey rhetoric that’s become absolutely morbidly tiresome in absence of a constructive debate about the pyramid. Teasing someone about switching teams isn’t a ‘personal attack’, some may say its just a response to a stupid comment from a group of posters from a particular club (but admittedly not representative of their entire support) who can’t construct an argument without resorting to ‘milk and honey’ ‘going for the money’ and all the other tiresome repeatedly disproven negative arguments. I’ll tell you what if Isa isnt posting on here under an alias and this is confirmed by a mod i’ll make a donation to a charity of your choice when i’m next paid?
  13. I actually heard a rumour that I just made up that the picture was his own cock.
  14. I just want the username changed back to Isa’s.
  15. Pretty sure tynieness could just check and confirm?
  16. We’ll just have to agree to disagree on this one I think.
  17. Ask yourself this, why do you think the green party is pro indy?
  18. You’re just scared you’ll have to switch clubs again aren’t you?
  19. Only get poor publicity due to the inability of TJ to communicate with member clubs and the media. The ESJFA has crumbled and not one press release has come from Hampden. How can journos write a story without someone to give them it?
  20. Been lucky enough to eat in Andrew Fairlies place twice and each time had some of the most down to earth and decent waiters ive ever encountered, friendly, unpretentious and incredibly knowledgeable. Perhaps it was just you?
  21. You and I tend to disagree on a lot of things but for once I actually agree with you. I think the move is the right thing but if its true it certainly hasnt happened in a natural way. Could be wrong though.
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