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Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Everything posted by Inanimate Carbon Rod

  1. So despite the junior forever camp on here making points about travelling costs etc its now acceptable to have an East/West superleague at tier 6? Lol.
  2. Well thats the other thing, i dont think she’ll give it, ultimately that might be enough to swing it for some however.
  3. We’ve got to contend with referendum fatigue and lack of progress in the polls. Theres no real appetite for it outside the yes support which has stagnated. I agree with the principle of starting to frame the argument, making the case for it but having a referendum in March when the electorate will still be getting to grips with whatever Brexit deal we have is ill-advised. Wait til 2020, give us a chance to frame a better deal in terms of brexit post indy, coupled with sorting out the economic argument and we might actually have a chance. If we use the clusterfuck they negotiate ie CAP,CFP,single market access, irish sea border etc as part of our case for indy then it could be very positive, but thats why its got to be a longer term game. It’ll be worth it if we pick our moment and dont jump the gun too early, because if we do then it really will be fucked for decades.
  4. Ffs you’re like our sides version of glen minter. We wont win, we need to play the long game.
  5. You really aren’t the brightest eh? EU citizens will be allowed to remain so could get a vote post brexit. For someone flinging around so much abuse I really hope you don’t go out on the campaign trail as you’d put people off. You come on here and abuse people because they disagree with you on the timing of a referendum because it isnt a ‘free shot’ its a long game, it isnt going to happen any time soon, we won’t win in March. I know exactly what im talking about when it comes to this particular subject matter.
  6. No wonder you are such a laughing stock on here.
  7. You go back to the yes rallies, George Square, tv appearances at the time, she was all over the place, being lauded by the partick thistle middle class socialists and generally annoying any centrists (the key to winning this) any time she spoke. Yes she has faded into obscurity now, but she will be all over it like the last campaign. Look all im saying here is get the campaign polished, don’t encourage wallopers like CB, Eddi Reader and ECS to be as visible as they almost put hardened yes voters like me off voting for indy so its obvious to see the damage they do to the undecideds. Im trying to get across that yes the grass roots campaign was successful in raising the vote to 45% but to get it over the line we need to win the centre ground, we wont do that with those nutters. I used to be as into the campaign as many on here but taking a step back I can see exactly how we lost, currency, pensions, economy and EU. These are all things we probably would actually get right, but we let the campaign be dominated and the talking points by the people all listed above and lost. I’d like to see someone like Henry Mcleish take a very active part (lets not pretend he isnt a yes voter). I completely expected the reaction I’ve had here from the posters i’ve had it from.
  8. Well Boyd in particular always hungry for publicity always appearing on question time, newspapers and online putting herself across as the voice of left wing indy and does significant damage every time she opens her gub. I get that many on our side have difficulty identifying that we need to get rid of the crazies before we gain any capital but allowing people like CB and RIC to align themselves to the cause and then appearing on national tv complaining about brexit then saying they didnt bother voting does us no good. If people here can’t see the damage they do then fair enough, we are heading for another loss unless we shake it up.
  9. I have left wing views on some things like health care, education, foreign military intervention etc and right of centre views on crime and punishment and common market membership. I just dont see how Elaine C Smith, Cat Boyd telling us how all property is theft , some hummus eating art students doing sketches of lady gaga songs and a bunch of folks who think Braveheart is real will win over the middle ground that is key for a second vote, if that makes me a ‘yer da’ then so be it. The winning argument has to be sound in every way for it to stand up to scrutiny. Some of the grass roots campaigning in the last ref was cringey and actually put many voters off, the difficulty is that so many on the yes side are so blinded by this that they can’t accept it. Get the economic argument right and we have a good chance, but rely on the romanticism like last time we’ve no chance.
  10. Well the harm is that it could irreparably damage the indy cause forever if we get beat a second time. We have everything to lose and it looks very likely that we will definitely lose as the yes campaign hasnt learned the lessons from 2014. Its still populated by absolute whompercunts like Cat Boyd and ‘radical independence’ who put potential centrist yes voters off with their actions, truth be told if i thought an independent Scotland would look like the RI guys vision for it i’d probably vote against. What we need is for the loonies to take a back seat in this campaign if it’s to happen. We would need significant defections from the Labour party for this to be a win and would need to ensure that Europeans living in Scotland got the vote. That’s the only way we win. Given the financial implications and cost of another indy ref its anything but a free hit.
  11. Look just because I don’t attack no voters with the same vitriol you do doesnt mean i’m any bit less supportive of Scottish Independence. If we have a ref next year so be it, I just think we’ll get pumped, its not that I don’t believe Scotland couldn’t be a successful (infact far more than as part of the UK) state, I just think we’re a nation of shitebags and just don’t see us winning it.
  12. After the election of 13 or however many Tory MP’s in Scotland and the lack of any real outcry over brexit I just can’t see us winning another ref any time soon. I want indy more than anyone just don’t think they can overcome the establishment, media and the knuckledragging rangers/racist vote.
  13. The reason I want a WOSL is to move away from the junior traditions such as no fixture list, too many cups and numpties in charge.
  14. Someone should show this to that idiot Goudie, bigger crowd there than many sjfa prem grounds.
  15. Its not just the CIA, there are several high ranking BBC presenters who are alleged to have either worked for the security services or indebted to them, Andrew Marr being one of them.
  16. Well they must be at it then. I was buying a programme and watching them come in.
  17. Took in a match involving one of the clubs who are most vocal pro junior voices, brought about 25 to the game and only 5 of them paid in the rest had ‘committee’ passes, heres a thought if you want junior football to survive pay in. 20 committee passes is ludicrous.
  18. I went back to our original lender outwith the advisor off the back of other posters advice, think their explanations are probably fair but still cant get the rate we had!lol. Oh well brexits still shit but i guess its not directly at fault here and ive fallen for sales patter. Happy to accept ive been wrong i guess!
  19. We are borrowing less, its the equivalent term mortgage and the interest rate has only gone up whatever it did between May 2016-May 2018. Im only going on what we’ve been told by the financial advisor that since Brexit result people are finding mortgages more expensive or harder to get.
  20. Id green dot him if he donated it to the sspca and hope not hate.
  21. Ok so we got our mortgage in May 2016 -£900 p/m, in the aftermath of the banking crisis, go to remortgage at the end of fixed term £1000 p/m for the same mortgage, no significant change in interest rates, ask mortgage advisor why, response - ‘lenders are predicting cost of living rise due to impact of brexit and are being stricter with mortgages’.
  22. According to some footage online he asked Bill Gates if HIV and HPV were the same thing.
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