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Cowden Cowboy

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Everything posted by Cowden Cowboy

  1. Yes you are footballs equivalent of the extras. The point about money really is that there is no evidence that premier clubs spend this wisely so maybe investing more at grass roots levels might drive up overall standards. For example I have always been an advocate of the pyramid - when it was set up I believed there were two key things 1. That all the best clubs outwith the SPfl were in there in Tier 5. 2. That the Premier clubs should have taken less prize money and given at least £100k per annum to both HL/LL so that they had prize money with ‘affiliated League status’ which I hoped they would grow via attracting sponsorship. On 1 we are slowly getting there and 2 never got anywhere. You don’t concentrate all your investment at the top end if you want a healthy game overall
  2. The Old Firm and to a lesser extent the big city clubs generate the Tv income and subsidise Scottish football. Killie and St Mirren are hardly box office - but also get another freebie via UEFA solidarity payments
  3. Everybody doesn’t know that that’s just your own viewpoint - many folks are strongly in favour of play offs
  4. It’s not some sort of secret ballot style vote - it’s a company resolution that the board who are charged with running the company are recommending be adopted to its members. If it was being considered in a meeting the Board would be actively trying to persuade members to vote for it. They have decided what is right for the company and now want its members to endorse it. Absolutely standard approach - it’s not a general election type vote
  5. They are allowed to lobby and try and persuade members to back their motion. They aren’t meant to be neutral on it - it is what they are recommending to members
  6. You are making an assumption that there was a complete document rather than a range of documents/information that was suitably summarised in a condensed document
  7. You are imagining complexity that didn’t exist - devil in the detail! The devil is that it didn’t suit a minority of clubs
  8. There was a 15 page document along with another 11 page explanation re process, etc
  9. Well if he didn’t put out a lengthy statement addressing the various points doubtless there would be claims that they were hiding things and not addressing key issues! Time for Rangers to give all 42 clubs what ever it is they have now - delaying for some vague sort of tactical reason isn’t helpful to getting clubs onside
  10. To say they are promoting themselves and that that is the object is nonsensical. The object is surely to have some influence in a voting system weighted against them so as other parties don’t just impose unwanted things such as Colts, Splits and Regionalisation
  11. Opinion is Clause 12 can be used and clubs were going to use it until PFA backed off as I understand it
  12. That isn’t an SPFL statement or an SPFL board statement it is a joint statement by some members of the SPFL Board - and believe it or not that is an important distinction.
  13. Playing each other three times wasn’t a real issue in the 1993/94 reorganisation - clubs weren’t that bothered about it (only Premier clubs were ever fussed about it)
  14. If the aims are not to disadvantage any team which I am not sure was ever officially announced as a key aim then the whole thing is a waste of time because that is impossible - unless you are promoting every team in a play off place, relegating no-one and paying out extra financial compensation to any club who could potentially have made a promotion play off spot.
  15. No it’s not balanced out by that as that was always in the budget
  16. They don't want reconstruction - if it was being pushed through and there was wider desire that a reconstruction go through they would reluctantly support 3 x 14 was my take on that - rather than debate endlessly on every variant or pet idea
  17. Well doubtless we could all get QC opinions or compile a dossier and call for an independent inquiry but in the real world some things are more important and lots of clubs have lost out on potential play offs including my own -C’est la vie
  18. No that depends on how any financial distribution model amendments are made
  19. The point being there is a major health crisis and the play offs cannot be played - that’s the real world
  20. Because many of the folk involved are novices on Zoom and this is likely to be a contentious one subject meeting with many differing views not a systematic run through an agenda
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