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Cowden Cowboy

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Everything posted by Cowden Cowboy

  1. Well it supports the view that there is a 28 day period to get the resolution agreed and that yes votes cannot be revoked
  2. Regional leagues are a nonsense - the L1/2 clubs long ago committed to a national league. In Spfl there are 6 north clubs and 3 south more or less - the rest are central belt - there isn’t a true north and south so that makes no sense
  3. No it wouldn’t - they have the opportunity to finish higher up than 13/14 - how on earth do you think the clubs out with the premier will vote to give up some of their share to boost those payments? Nil points would be the vote for that I suspect - it is not just within the Premier or Boards gift. The advantage as I have already said is that being in the Premier boosts your gate money and you have access to UEFA solidarity payments if any
  4. Well yes all 42 will have to give a small proportion to fund clubs 43 and 44.
  5. There is no top league cut - money is shared out on a sliding scale between place 1 in the Spfl and place 42. Thus if you are ranked 13 it doesn’t matter if you are top of the Championship or 2nd bottom of enlarged 14 team premier. The extra money from being in Premier is in gate money and potentially a share of any UEFA solidarity payment
  6. Is there such a thing as lucrative friendlies versus Scottish premier opposition?
  7. It's £2500 max - you pay someone say £2500 gross and say their paye on that is £300 and National insurance is £200 they will receive £2000. The club has paid out £2500 and they can claim all of that back plus the Employers NI they have paid.
  8. You do realise the furlough scheme at present only lasts until 31 May
  9. Forfar said on Sportsound they were to receive £3700 or thereabouts
  10. You mean the Brexit advisory vote process route? That’s daft - if there were 42 different proposals you are suggesting they all should be voted on?
  11. One is an order the other is a request so no they don’t have the same practical effect. I don’t think in the Army Officers generally request soldiers to do things
  12. I have no idea because I don’t actually have access to all the relevant facts
  13. What’s so amazing about that - requested and instructed are 2 very different things
  14. A disastrous proposal for Lower League sides - why not properly consider all the clubs for once
  15. Eh because they need clarity so they can better plan for the challenges that lie ahead
  16. Cowdenbeath FC – SPFL Resolution Cowdenbeath FC can confirm that they voted in favour of the SPFL resolution to call the 2019/20 League season as being concluded with the current position of each club being the finishing positions for season 2019/20. Given more than 75% of games have been played we believe this readily meets any reasonable test of sporting integrity. It seems to us to be the right thing for the good of the game in Scotland. The key benefit of calling the season now is that it offers a degree of real clarity as opposed to continuing uncertainty. Yes, it will hopefully unlock distribution of SPFL positional based fees for season 2019/20 but most importantly it allows us to more clearly plot our cashflow position for the coming months, lets clubs turn their attention to player contracts (which in our case mostly expire early in June), gives certainty that we will not be called back into action at short notice, and clubs have an understanding of which League they will be in next season – whenever football does eventually resume. For us the idea that season 2019/20 will ever recommence is fanciful. It is not all about money, clarity rather than charity is a key driving force. It is clear from the voting figures that our thinking is in line with the substantial majority of SPFL clubs. Our decision involved taking a pragmatic and sporting view and thus we elected to sacrifice our potential play off place for the greater good. There are of course larger issues concerning our whole society at this time.
  17. That’ll be easy then - just like Brexit votes in the House of Commons
  18. Not true - clubs mainly want clarity not charity
  19. Why would you have a plan B - you propose a way forward that you think is best in this sort of situation and give it all your support. Plan B is when you are offering choice of options with a majority voting structure. If your plan doesn't get through you tweak it or look at other alternatives at that point - some of which will already have been considered and could perhaps be developed
  20. Top flight clubs weren’t promised anything - simply put the clubs are ranked 1-42 every season depending on where they finish. A 14 club premier or 16 club premier doesn’t impact on that at all - the percentage of the overall pie to each club is already agreed for each position no matter what number of clubs Is in each division - the benefit is in gate money not prize money plus Euro solidarity payments if any
  21. There’s a difference though between playing a struggling Thistle and one that is maybe challenging for a title as regards attendances
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