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Cowden Cowboy

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Everything posted by Cowden Cowboy

  1. True indeed! It was Rory McAllister's presence that made me think of Peterheid
  2. That costs £250 - and if you have no video evidence? There may be something on the video but a camera following the play might not have been focused on the incident
  3. That was Kyle Miller who was then cautioned for dissent. He was also recently cautioned for dissent in our match v Stenhousemuir for complaining about David Marsh stamping on Connor Smith - the referee missed that incident and no action was taken re David Marsh. Video evidence was later submitted to Compliance Officer and Marsh accepted a two game ban.
  4. There is no such thing as a ref's report - there is a Discipline Report which just shows cautions and red cards along with a code number denoting the offence - in David Cox's case A2 - Violent Conduct. There is only a ref's report if you appeal as then the referee provides a written report for the tribunal giving his view of what happened (or in this case what the AR says happened)
  5. There is no real dubiety here - Mrs Cox is saying David was sent off for kicking an advertising board as that is what he did. She is saying that is all he did to be sent off. The Cowdenbeath and Peterhead players though all stated that the referee (acting on Assistant Referee's call) told them that the sending off was for Violent Conduct - headbutting a fan. You cannot be sent off for violent conduct for any reason other than striking or trying to strike someone. Kicking an advertising board is not Violent Conduct in terms of the Laws of the Game
  6. Not sure I’d set much store by your assessment to be honest - a fairly unbalanced view
  7. https://www.scottishfa.co.uk/scottish-fa/football-governance/disciplinary/disciplinary-updates/
  8. Ryan Connelly doesn't need recalled his loan expired yesterday
  9. Cowdenbeath spent more than one year in the Championship
  10. Barr, Taylor and Hamilton all ill today plus 2 or 3 other players who played were also under the weather
  11. Pre-Madonna - is that before she had her first hit? An odd sort of summing up!
  12. I don't think many Cowden fans are really bothered about 2009 to be honest - we went up anyway and went on to greater things such as four seasons in the 2nd top tier and yet another one of our five League titles
  13. But you could argue that much the same audience is attracted to nationalism with its sound bites and slogans with the English playing the bogeyman - indeed the same tactics are used by political movements of all shades
  14. It's less definable and cant be argued against - nebulous would cover it then!
  15. Where have you been for the last few years?
  16. So what - you am Scottish (and British) - overriding sense of belonging maybe that is just another way of saying proud
  17. Happy like you to be part of the Great British then
  18. No its not difficult for a unionist to deal with - just like Anti Niemmi getting picked for Scotland
  19. There is a marginal 3% lead but not a majority. The UK figures show a much more significant lead - wouldn't get worked about a poll like this which is talking about Ref2 at some unknown date could be 3 months or 30 years
  20. Yes but you thus seem to view Brexit as a good outcome - better just doing one stupid thing than 2
  21. Yes that you am a Scot as you explained earlier
  22. Clutching at straws - get real man. It would be a disaster for Scotland for a marginal victory for independence. Society would be badly damaged. A real strategy would surely be based on producing consistent support of say 60% plus for independence in credible polls and to do that you need to clearly demonstrate why independence is the best option - you need a broad church of support not the Jeremy Corbyn style of narrow fundamentialism. To coin a phrase you need to build a One Nation approach that gets real buy in and not by hectoring and calling other Scots 'Yoons' etc.
  23. I will still be European and will feel European
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