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Everything posted by Detournement

  1. It's not really any fuckwit in America though. It's continually men with learning difficulties who are usually on anti psychotic drugs.
  2. McCain is a war monger and literally dropped bombs on Vietnamese people. Anyone who thinks he's anything other than an imperialist scumbag can f**k off.
  3. Not really. He only stuck up for Obama not for all the Arab Americans who were being denigrated.
  4. I can't wait for the John McCain Iran War Authorisation Act 2019 to be passed.
  5. Michael Flynn would be a lot wealthier today if he just taken the fifth. He's a crazy war criminal though so f**k him. My point is though that these kind of people have no reason to cooperate in any capacity unless they receive something in return. You are assuming they are being granted immunity in return for incriminating evidence but it's just as likely to be for getting them to confirm their names.
  6. Watching the Bledisoe. ABs up to their old tricks, dropped 4 scrums in a row on their 5m, got a final warning then kept it up no problem. Thankfully Genia sniped a try.
  7. Harvey Weinstein led the news and the vast majority of people couldn't have picked him out a line up two years ago. I had a similar reaction to you at first but then thought well 'what if was an allegation against Cameron from 2014?'.
  8. Is it not likely that these people will be taking the 5th and the immunity offer is just to get them to say anything?
  9. He was proven right about torture and rendition. The blog about Salmond is all over the place though. He clearly doesn't know what he's been accused of but is convinced it's a set up anyway.
  10. That sounds lovely. Keep your eyes peeled for Scottish Enterprise funded munitions falling out the sky.
  11. Gary Younge on the money as usual https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/aug/24/donald-trump-voters-impeachment-legal
  12. Trump looks like a stable genius next to this guy.
  13. Aye he's definitely been stitched up to prevent any leadership ideas but he is a complete moron. The infographics are amazing.
  14. Indeed, a nation of vulgar people and coarse attitudes. Can anyone name two Australian authors, books, films, poets or composers respectively ? I agree with you in general sentiment but there are some decent Australians. Patrick White and Peter Carey are both great writers. The attitude to climate change there is stunning. They are forcing the current right wing arsehole PM out basically because he doesn't think burning coal is the greatest thing ever. It's as if as long as they have air con they don't give a f**k.
  15. Roy Moore lost by 22,000 votes (1.5%) of the vote despite being branded a paedo for months in the lead up to the election! The Dems need to win 6 of the 7 toss up seats to win the Senate and they are all states Trump won in 2016.
  16. So it looks like the Australian PM is being ousted to be replaced by an even bigger idiot. Oz always seems to get a positive press in the UK but it's up there with the USA for racist crazies.
  17. Only Jacob Rees Mogg can rid us of red tape and return us to pre Great Reform Act laissez faire glory.
  18. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7079320/gavin-williamson-tractor-budget/ I know it's the Sun but this is brilliant.
  19. You've already claimed it only lasted 30 minutes when tweets show big crowds for over an hour and decent crowds for around three.
  20. Voters will vote the same way they always do, Trump's coalition was just a regular Republican coalition. For Republicans in the USA it's mainly about tax and immigration. In 2016 there were predictions of Utah and Texas rejecting Trump and he won both easily. It will be a normal election with minority turnout being key. Given the level of gerrymandering in the House and the seats up for grabs in the Senate it will be very difficult for the Dems to claim both houses. "Democrats who didn’t vote last time around but will in the midterms". Turnout was 36% in the previous midterms, the number of people who chose not to vote in 2016 but will vote this year will be tiny.
  21. https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/jeremy-corbyn-north-east-live-13138427 This live blog with time stamped tweets tells a different story..... Who to believe?
  22. JC is on it https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/may/23/all-future-labour-peers-must-back-abolition-of-lords-says-corbyn Constituency size should be based on population (not voters) but obviously there needs to be exceptions. I think the current set up is fine. The next changes will be interesting as I expect the census will show a big increase in city populations.
  23. ^ ehmm voting Yes in the next Scottish independence referendum Aye i'll vote Yes but until there actually is a referendum i'll live in the real world and vote for a better society. It's not long until the SNP conference so it should all be a bit clearer shortly.
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