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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. Aye, that's pretty much the size of it. Edwards won't save Stubbs now. A sad state of affairs for all involved, but it can't be allowed to continue.
  2. Nah, even in the context of this unspeakably hideous window, Smith to Livingston for less than £50k couldn't happen, could it? Even Alan Stubbs couldn't commit an act of such unparalleled tom-fuckery. Could he? Please Mummy, make it stop
  3. If Stubbs stays in post beyond the New Year, we're fucked. If he goes soon, I will be a bit more comfortable with things. Whoever inherits his shambles has a huge job on his hands, however.
  4. Perhaps so, but that still doesn't explain why those funds have now apparently disappeared. Stubbs needs to get his story straight over this. He is tying himself in knots and it is not an edifying sight.
  5. I fear that you might be ascribing a sophistication of thought and intent that might not be warranted.
  6. I am neither blind nor naive. There is a third way to take these memes - with a pinch of salt.
  7. What makes you so convinced that the tweet had anything to do with the club? Most of the thought for the day type stuff he posts bears absolutely no relation to goings on at St Mirren, so why would this be any different? Isn't the fact that the twitter account is based on his fictional children's book character enough of a hint? Yes, he occasionally does use the account to refer to club related stuff, and perhaps he should reconsider that, but the other stuff, including yesterday's offering, is just fluff and not to be taken too seriously (or literally).
  8. There is absolutely no chance that Stubbs will pull half a dozen rabbits out his magic fucking hat in the next 3 days, because that is what is required. The ship is going down with this balloon on the bridge.
  9. Agreed. What would McGinn have to achieve by bitching for the sake of it? If he is concerned about something that is going on, and cares sufficiently about the club (which I believe he does), should he just stay silent?
  10. They usually have to open the packet, but after that I generally manage okay.
  11. To be expected. We should have other irons in the fire anyway. Prior to the beginning of this week, Miller wasn't available, so I'm assuming Stubbs is in the market for at least one other striker before the window closes. I'm pretty indifferent about Miller, so if he goes elsewhere I certainly won't be wringing my hands over it. If, however, the window closes and we only have Mullen, NBM, and Cooke as striking options, I fear I'll dislocate my wrists with all the hand-wringing, and someone will have to assist me in my Pampers changes
  12. Aye, I seen that this morning. Very disappointing, to be honest. My point was more aimed at the suggestion that we are knocking back other options. Quite how he would know this is anyone's guess.
  13. Of course Stubbs deserves our backing. I don't think there has been too much negativity since the dust settled over the Spartans and Queens Park debacles. Let's face it, his judgment in terms of a few players has been questionable, or so it would seem based on early evidence, but then that is often the case with new managers. It was certainly the case with Danny Lennon, but he clearly learned from those mistakes. Stubbs will hopefully realise that he misjudged a few of his early signings and will kick on. In the meantime, I'm happy to back him, albeit I'm not running over with enthusiasm for now.
  14. Without McGinn in the team, we would have been relegated to League One.
  15. Aye, I also made the Gus analogy elsewhere, but still feel we are a bit lightweight in the middle. If McGinn were to be injured or suspended, we have no steel at all in there. I agree that it possibly isn't the most pressing priority, but like to believe that Stubbs is also looking at the other key areas in addition to this.
  16. We need a hard b*****d in the middle. We got away with it for the most part last season but struggled against the more physical teams. This season will be even tougher in that respect, so a tempered thug would be a good acquisition.
  17. Oh for an Aber/Shuggie Murray/Jim Goodwin type in there. Fingers crossed....
  18. Great signing for Ayr. Good player who will only improve with experience, and a top lad too.
  19. Jack looks the best of the three just now, but needs a solid, preferably experienced player beside him.
  20. Agreed, but we will definitely need cover/competition in that position. In saying that, I understand that we might have a player in on trial just now who can play either CH or RB.
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