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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. Wisnae me! The missus must've taken it when I wasn't looking Nah. I didn't post it FFS! Did I?
  2. I was asked that about 6 times in Clydebank one lunchtime. It was only after punching the first four that I realised I wasn't having a bad trip after eating some dodgy humous, and it was, in fact, something to do with a radio show.
  3. BBC Olympics coverage. Getting on my tits already with their bland platitudes and sycophancy.
  4. I've not been able to get out at all this week due to this man flu/gastro virus thing that has floored me. Not the best preparation for the Skye Mor a week tomorrow. 95 miles in christ only knows what conditions. I'm still feeling like shit, so the earliest I reckon I'll get out is mid-week for a quick hurl. Bloody typical.
  5. Aye, but this one won't even be leaving you a couple of quid to make the wait worthwhile.
  6. Would You Buy a Used Car Off This Man? Who, in their right mind, could take a word that this joker utters seriously? It seems its easy to raise money to invest in a club like Rangers. Really? So where the fuck were all the investors when the club was available for a quid?
  7. I'm just throwing this one out there, but I reckon surprise won't be something that Ticketus will be experiencing in the light of this development. Ticketus have been brutally stupid throughout this process. To have been taken in by Whyte, suggests to me that they almost deserve what is - or, more accurately, isn't - coming to them
  8. This special exchange on RM is a like a passage from Of Mice & Men: Frankie said: Green gave the impression we will not be moving from the SPL as he feels they won't punish us strongly. To which delamonty replied: Cheers Frankie. But it is pretty hard to predict? I personally thought with Mr. Keen on board, we would easily overturn the appeal. Anyway, thanks for the input -- you always are a voice of reason ETA: I should add that I'm not sure who would be George, and who would be Lennie....
  9. Green: "The club's administrators have informed me they have written to Ticketus to terminate the agreement that is currently in place with the club and supporters can now take heart from the fact that season ticket sales will be as normal." Take heart Bears! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HagzTRmUBIE
  10. Indeed, and people should also prepare themselves for the diddy SPL chairpersons (each and every one of them) subsequently claiming to have played hardball in terms of obtaining significant concessions in respect of more equity in the distribution of finances, voting structure blah....blah...blah. The hope on their part is that this will make a very bitter pill a little easier for diddy supporters to swallow.
  11. 30th May. The answer to your question thereafter is very likely to be a straighforward YES. *edit - typo*
  12. Up to a point. They're delaying it in order to see if a CVA is granted (which it won't be), in which case, there is significantly less baggage attached to the decision-making process.
  13. This. However much we are enjoying the pain Rangers are experiencing just now, a few difficult choices lie ahead for the rest of us. This is what I find most unacceptable about this entire debacle. The cheating scum will actually have a direct impact on my support of my club. As you say, there are clearly no ifs or buts about the outcome. It'll be half-arsed penalties at worst as they swan back in. We're being dismissed on the grounds that 4+ meetings between two reprehensible cancers on our game are more important and valuable than any other consideration. This is the stark reality. When all the laughing stops, the status quo will pretty much remain in place. Business as usual. Nothing to see here.... move along please. Nah, I can't stomach it. I will do walking away. From the SPL at any rate. Cup competitions might be exempt, but I'll have to give that some thought. Juniors or nowt it might well be. Just so utterly demoralising.
  14. The whole thing sickens me, though. I know what you're saying, but it pretty much makes a mockery of the competition.
  15. They'll get back in (assuming they don't die). Nothing is surer. I don't why anyone is even doubting such a thing. I'm not being a doom merchant in saying this. It's a simple reality. One which I don't find remotely palatable (and will result in me chucking it), but there you are.
  16. Door to isloation ward in high secure psychiatric facility needs closed, IMO.
  17. Who's the leader of the gang that's made for you and me.... C. R. A. I. G. Y. W. H. Y. T. E.
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