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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. It is the duty of every Bear, man woman or child, to step up and play when the conductors baton directs them. Surely a bill must be rushed through Parliament to introduce eugenics. ETA: this sentence kind of takes the biscuit: The time for dignified silence is over.
  2. I assume you actually mean that you don't like it, because you go onto provide a pretty compelling argument as to why it is difficult not to agree with it.
  3. I'm sure some character known as bennet (or is it bunnet) came on to issue a blood-curdlingly terrifying threat of disruption to the cup final on Saturday
  4. I've logged out just before the big news broke last night, having assumed, as I think most did, that we wouldn't get a verdict for a couple of days at least. My worst fears weren't realised, and I'm hugely delighted that the SFA have demonstrated how cheating should be dealt with (though Rangers being expelled altogether wouldn't have been a disproportionate sanction, IMO). This is a very symbolic decision. For me, the actual decision to throw out their appeal is far more significant than the sanctions in themselves. A clear marker has been laid out, and the SPL will have to consider this long and hard. D&Ps are looking pretty silly with their posturing over this, and they ought to be keeping a lower profile given their shenanigans throughout this entire affair. Oh, and.... Sandy Jardine; Ally McCoist; Mark Hately; Andy Goram; Jim Traynor; Chick Young; Legless Leggo; Billy Dodds; Rangers Media; Donald Findlay; Big Hoose troll; King Billy; Charles Green and your 20 imaginary friends who live at the bottom of your garden; Sandy Jardine; Watty Smith; Sandy Jardine.... ...and Sandy Jardine again (for good measure). GIRFUY!
  5. I'd logged out just before the big news broke last night, having assumed, as I think most did, that we wouldn't get a verdict for a couple of days at least. My worst fears weren't realised, and I'm hugely delighted that the SFA have demonstrated how cheating should be dealth with (though Rangers being expelled altogether wouldn't have been a disproportionate sanction, IMO). This is a very symbolic decision. For me, the actual decision to throw out their appeal is far more significant than the sanctions in themselves. A clear marker has been laid out, and the SPL will have to consider this long and hard. D&Ps are looking pretty silly with their posturing over this, and they ought to be keeping a lower profile given their shenanigans throughout this entire affair. Oh, and.... Sandy Jardine; Ally McCoist; Mark Hately; Andy Goram; Jim Traynor; Chick Young; Legless Leggo; Billy Dodds; Rangers Media; Donald Findlay; Big Hoose troll; King Billy; Charles Green and your 20 imaginary friends who live at the bottom of your garden; Sandy Jardine; Watty Smith; Sandy Jardine.... ...and Sandy Jardine again (for good measure). GIRFUY! *edit: typo*
  6. It seems that the good folk of RM are the only people struggling with why there might be a delay.... Not seen it myself but apparently Sky Sports News are saying that the outcome of the appeal might not be released until after the Scottish Cup Final. They are suggesting Monday. Hope that is not the case, we need to know now, can't understand why we won't find out tonight. Ah, nothing like a bit of insight
  7. Aye, but how long does it take to line up the water cannon and activate it?
  8. If I'd already had my tea, I might be driving over there to tell him myself
  9. WTF has he got to do with it? The guy hasn't even bought the club, so he has no locus in this whatsoever. They should tell him to go fuck himself.
  10. We can only hope so. As I mentioned, I fear that there might be a technicality coming into play over the embargo. In saying that, tribunals tend to have a great deal of autonomy (ie - they can often make it up as they go along with a fair degree of impunity)., so who knows.
  11. Another morsel from RM: It did not take what happened over the last few months for any of us to realise how much our great club is hated . We as a support are fully aware of the enemies lurking in the darkness , emerging with a passion of hate that surpasses the love we have for our club . Everyone knows who the main culprits are. From radio stations to cowardly foreign failed social workers . A couple of years ago our fanbase maybe underestimated the threat they posed , but not now ! . Rangers f.c. were and probably still are in a vulnerable state , and as a support we have found an inner strength to cope through this dreadful period in the clubs history . It is now for our owners to be made fully aware of these enemies . In the future there will be an attempt to make us a global brand and its at this time when our owners need to be prepared for how far certain people will go to derail this . Our club has become an unhealthy obsession to many lowlife from the other side of the city . An example is of uefa being bombarded by thousands of emails of lies and false accusations from one person in particular . So from this moment on we all must protect this great institution from anyone who is not a Rangers man . This club will now go from strength to strength and will be back in its rightful position if our owners think the same as us. Rousing stuff! These people are fucking barking
  12. I was thinking along the lines of Rangers supporters not seeking to pin D&P down over this (figuratively speaking, of course). That said, I also previously posted something similar about the governing bodies surely wanting more clarity, though it seems that the SFA have made noises in this regard if the Retard is to be believed.
  13. On the eve of the SFA appeal hearing, is anyone bold enough to offer a prediction as to what will happen. I've read various theories on this.... - some (including the RTC folks) seem to believe that the tribunal over-stepped the mark in imposing the signing embargo, and the Rangers appeal in this respect will be upheld. Having poured over the tribunal protocol etc., I can see where they are coming from on this one, and I have a niggling feeling that this might well be the decision. Quite how significant it will be on the grand scheme of thing remains to be seen. My thoughts are that the main impact will lie in Rangers supporters in particular considering this a victory in their campaign against the SFA, as opposed to something that more accurately resembles a technicality. This is a worry, as the moronic hordes don't need encouraging; - another suggestion has been that the 12 month embargo will be suspended. I can't see any logic in this at all. If it is a sanction that fell within the scope of the tribunal, why what possible grounds would they have for suspending it? So.... it will either remain in place, or be dropped altogether. I fear the latter will be the case; - as for the fine, I've honestly no idea. If the embargo isn't applicable after all, then the SFA have to look at holding Rangers to account after what was a pretty damning report of their misdeeds. Would there be any point in increasing the financial penatly for a club in administration, though. Who knows. My prediction, this will remain in place. So, my ill-informed guess is that the embargo will be dropped and the fine remain in place. It's possible that an alternative sanction to the embargo will be imposed, but I'm not sure what that might be - possible expulsion from the Scottish Cup next season?
  14. TBH, I'm surprised that D&P aren't being subjected to heavier scrutiny over this. At the end of the day, they look to be signing things over to Green and his mystery consortium. Indeed, I wonder if they actually know (or care) who the Mystery Twenty are.
  15. Aye, I've not actually barfed but I've got the constitution of an ox when it comes to keeping things down (this isn't always a good thing). Instead it has been a lingering sense of nausea and listlessness, much like the feeling I get when I look in the mirror most mornings.
  16. Or, as I suggested 30 pages or so ago, you are clinically insane. I think this applies to investing in any football club, though.
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