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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. I'd be checking that my wallet is still in it, if I were you, cause this Green character is as shifty as they come.
  2. Yes. If I could lay golden eggs, I would. I must remember to mention that if I ever hold a press conference.
  3. They have nothing other than a guy who claims to be fronting a bid from 20 (nice round number, that ) anonymous entities. Oh aye, they also have a guy who claims that he can raise £1billion. That's patently absurd.
  4. If I'm not mistaken, during the press conference yesterday, D&P made reference to Green having forked out for a period of exclusivity. For me, this doesn't square with anything being legally binding as claimed (the 'no reverse gear' pish Green rambled on about). I asked about this yesterday, but didn't read any answer. What exactly has he signed up to that is legally binding? What is the contract? And if he has done such a thing, then surely any period of exclusivity is entirely pointless. Did I imagine the reference to aperiod of exclusivity? ETA: one of Duff & Phelps’ men inside Ibrox, issued a statement which read: "Mr Green has secured, via a substantial financial commitment, a period of exclusivity to complete the purchase of the club and this is expected to be finalised at a creditors' meeting on 6 June Telegraph Link
  5. There is also the small matter of them not having a new owner. Certainly not yet.
  6. I'd been thinking a week on Tuesday, but I'm now not convinced he'll hang around that long. I'm going for this coming Thursday.
  7. Having just stumbled across this.... But Green, who claimed he was "mad" to buy the troubled club ....it would seem that he retains a degree of insight. I'm confused though (perhaps not quite to the same degree as Mr Green), but I thought he was only one of 20 or so 'investors' involved in this scam? Has he actually bought this club? Does he know what he's done? He's also rambling on about his concerns surrounding the potentially irrrational actions of Rangers supporters in this consortium. Oh well, that sounds like a cohesive bunch I think he planned his exit strategy before he entered, TBH: diminished responsiblity. *edit: typo*
  8. Monkeyblair, where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?!?!
  9. I think this Green character might well by mentally unstable. Talk of raising a billion quid is utterly preposterous in the context of ANY football club. To make noises about this in respect of Rangers is delusional slabbering of flabbergasting proportions. The guy is either seriously unwell or has monumental sense of irony.
  10. Hybrid sounds like your best bet. Relatively lightweight with no unnecessary suspension that only weighs the bike down and requires maintenance. Ridgeback make very well specced and good value hybrids (you can pick up something decent from around £250), though most brands produce them. It makes sense to get a bike that has mounts for mudguards, and possibly a pannier rack. If you're new to cycling, one of the most important things to consider is getting the correct frame size. For this reason, you'd be well advised to visit a coupleo f bike shops and take some advice from the folks who work there. Have a sit on a few bikes and get a feel for them. You can always swap/upgrade saddle and tyres etc., but if your frame isn't the right size for you, you're buggered. Steer clear of shops selling BSOs (bike shaped objects) such as Sports Direct. These bikes are generally shit, and weigh as much as a small country. If you see something you fancy, tell us about it and we'll no doubt regale you with ill-infomed views on whether its any use
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